
Pet Heaven

ICP's Ronnie Dobbs moment. "Ok officer, arrest me." "For what?"

Animal cruelty is one of his pet peeves? No, a pet peeve is being bothered when someone says 'libary' or 'irrespective'. Saying animal cruelty is a pet peeve is like saying aggravated assault is a pet peeve. What a jackass.

That's horrifying. Who knows what else he did. I don't know how statute of limitations works exactly, but I'm glad it doesn't run out on torture.

Nathan, please tell us - do we ever get an answer to how far a girl should go with a boy just to be popular? Or the equally important "Is it wrong for a girl to prove to a boy exactly how much she loves him?"

Just so long as there are no subtitles, I'll be fine.

This looks really cool, and I love the twist at the end. I'm confused though. If she could just press a button and get the portal gun, why did she wait so long?

Nice! I can see where you think she's singing "cruel", but I've listened to it several times and I'm pretty sure it's "Krull", possibly a reference to the 1980's film.

Oh no! Then your life's work will have been destroyed. Also, Dune is underrated? Get him, guys!

Yes honestly. I tended to stay away from the mobile site because I found its "most recent article" system annoying but I like the new upgrade a lot. Thanks.

I believe the article should read, "The agreement will compensate music publishers for all covers of their material."

Excellent article Todd. I get your point about the need to "copy" the boss and mockumentary format, but why copy all the rest of the relationships so exactly. The star-crossed lovers, the new guy, the office enforcer, etc?

Charisma Carpenter
So, there's a show on Lifetime where the character switches places with her twin only to be undone when her child "suspects that something's up with her mom"? Lifetime knows twins only have the same genes, right? Strangers may have trouble telling them apart, but not close acquaintances. I was good

A little kid gets stoned?
That won't upset anyone.

Sorry guys, no offense to fans of the show.

One song per day for how many days?
You guys lost me. So there will be one cover song per day and the project will take place over 10 days and include 10 songs? I just was never very good at math. Is that number right?

Sorry for the double post, I'm just really excited is all.

That photo!
Holy crap! Is that photo representative of the series as a whole? Blandly handsome "serious" actor with a comically oversized gun? Two women from Syfy corporate HR dept who have wandered on set for some reason? Salt of the earth black man? In coveralls?!?! My god, what have I been missing. This looks CSI:

That photo!
Holy crap! Is that photo representative of the series as a whole? Blandly handsome "serious" actor with a comically oversized gun? Two women from Syfy corporate HR dept who have wandered on set for some reason? Salt of the earth black man? In coveralls?!?! My god, what have I been missing. This looks CSI:

House of Stairs
I remember this! I had completely forgotten about the whole thing, but it was a fantastic book. Thanks for the obit, Todd.