
Particularly Explosive!
In all fairness to the film, when my wife has a particularly explosive fit of diarrhea, I have trouble finding her attractive. Normally explosive fits of diarrhea are fine, I mean we all have them right? But particularly explosive, I start to think she's saying she doesn't love me anymore.

Particularly Explosive!
In all fairness to the film, when my wife has a particularly explosive fit of diarrhea, I have trouble finding her attractive. Normally explosive fits of diarrhea are fine, I mean we all have them right? But particularly explosive, I start to think she's saying she doesn't love me anymore.

Super Drugs
So if there is a drug that makes both apes and humans super intelligent, why not give it to all the humans, too? At least level the playing field? Maybe we'd be more intelligent considering where we started.

Thanks Karl Rove, I appreciate that.

It's like 311 slightly updated their sound for the 21st century!!!

Why New Zealand?
Serious question - I know weird right? Anyway, why are these films being found in NZ? Did John Ford or Hitchcock have any connection to the place? Is it the isolation?

Maybe you guys can help me out. I've identified the people in the above photo from left to right: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Alfred Hitchcock, Madeline Kahn,… But I can't figure out who those other two are. Any help?

Just okay
I wish I liked this film more. Everyone says how great it is, but for me it was just okay. It was well put together and well acted but that was it. Now you all know my shitty taste.

Much like the use of the "Coffee is for closers" scene in Glengarry Glen Ross by actual sales managers to pump up their sales force.

Any good
But was the joke funny?

Well put CGI and Kenny. The old persons home was laughable, and the CDC was pretty subpar as well. But worse than that, the other actors are just not well done and some of them, the sisters, his good ol' buddy, the old man, are actively annoying. Especially the fellow cop dude.

I love the album, too. Almost as if Sean said that to get a rise out of us.

Good show?
This show was a good show? Huh? I never watched it because I couldn't get past the crappy (and creepy) looking puppets, the annoying baby, and the grating Ralph Cramden-style father. Also, everything else about the show turned me off. But you're saying it was well done?

Yeah, we shouldn't forget how terrible and disliked Megan Fox was in any role outside of "sex symbol". People still actively dismiss her attempts to "serious acting". This certainly worked against the film, I believe.

Martin Sheen
At least Martin Sheen is an improvement over whoever that cheeseball, Lifetime-movie quality guy was they had in the first one. Yeesh.

My Woman
My favorite is the one on the far right demurely wearing the undershirt. She's so prim at work, but a devil in the sack.

Don't forget Adam Sandler-as-retarded-manchild-with-rage-issues-in-college

Just as a side note, charges of unwarranted entitlement and self-importance have been leveled against nearly every generation in recent memory (and probably before, but I can't be sure). The baby boom generation was called the "Me Generation".

However Old Person, one of the protagonists is black, so you've clearly not watched the show.

I watched an episode because it gets high praise from this site. I can see that it's a good show, but not my cup of tea. The heartfelt, earnest drama (dramedy? I don't know) will never be interesting to me. I have time for about two or three shows to be currently watching and this will never be one of them. Some