
Self-esteem myth?
I can't help but think that the supposed enforcement of self-esteem in kids entertainment and education is an urban legend. It sounds great to rail against it and blame it for a variety of problems, but as a parent, I can't really find it. Can anyone name me an instance of it in a children's show?

Wait, what? How do you know he's Canadian?

Exactly! That was awesome. Love the "I grew strong!" line.

Branagh is a decent (not great) actor who is a pretty bad director.

Incest solves so many problems.

Fine, funny… could have been better
That sums up all of Steve Coogan's work I've ever seen. He's clearly talented and likable, but I've never really fully got him. Still, I'll probably see this, plus I'm just a dumb American, so what do I know.

Year of the Sax
2011: the year the Saxophone became cool again? Two completely diverse artists, Lady Gaga and Bon Iver with prominent saxophone songs. Weird.

Pop Perennial
Hey Nabin, you said, Toby Keith's "High Maintenance Woman" was your favorite casual put-down of a snooty poser (generally, but not always female)…

Yeah, I love Conspiracy Theories. Come, just admit it, you think it's hilarious too. Think about the first time you heard the fake professor say his name was Professor Professorson. Not funny?

I imagine he thinks, "Sure they may be a little bit racist, but their money isn't racist."

BFRO is a pretty hilarious acronym. This was an awesome piece, Mr. Von Doviak. Love the review.

Just what I was thinking. Would you settle for being a so-so housewife?

Too bad
This looked interesting based on the trailer. Nice write-up, though. On a side note, you mention Kennedy's other campaigns. Anti-vaccination is how liberals show they can be as dumb and anti-science as conservatives.

Yay for tastes test and sweets expo

Did she dump you or something? I know it's hard to be rejected but you really can't just let yourself go and gain 100 pounds every time a woman dumps you.

Very interesting, Mr. Hyden
Well done in general. I never really looked into Jackson's life the way this article does. It's interesting that this article suggests he wasn't crazy and weird, and that his image was his entire creation. He was just really terrible at marketing.

Uh guys, Memphis is nowhere near San Francisco!!! So tired of out of town journalists getting it wrong. Think about how different the two cities are, you guys really blew it.

Missing headline
I believe the headline should read, "George Lucas already has 50 hours of his Star Wars TV show, no chin"

Missing headline
I believe the headline should read, "George Lucas already has 50 hours of his Star Wars TV show, no chin"

Thanks guys
Seriously, well written, interesting article, but MAN I just read through 16 depressing descriptions of parenthood which usually started with, "Parents should really stay away from…"