
Love interest
"Gordon-Levitt's family and potential love interest (namely Bryce Dallas Howard, Anjelica Huston, and Anna Kendrick)." Awesome! I always thought he and Anjelica Huston should hook up!

"Disable on this page only"

When did you become a horrible person?

A little show you might have heard of called "Charmed" was also filmed here. Lest we forget.

Marketing 101
You guys understand how marketing works, right?

Great review
Including the line, "material that should have been saved for another, even more boring book".

Good for you Kyle, North Beach is one of the worst parking areas in an entire city full of bad parking.

Not shown: the twenty minutes spent looking for parking.

Liberal AND open?!
That's crazy talk. Great video though, thanks.

Wait, I haven't read all 250 comments, but… everyone knows he's joking, right? Has anyone here ever heard any of his stand-up, heard him interviewed, seen the original UK Office, Extras, or any of the shows he's hosted? That's his humor right there.

@zircona1 - That's just what I was going to say. He looks a patient at the world's most fabulous hospital.

Pregnant when fired
IMDB says she was pregnant when fired. Classy!

Pastor Linda Poteet!
She was great. Let's get her to pair up with… what's his name, chubby face guy and they can travel around the country hosting the series together.

Michael Emerson
Look, I know we all talk about Hitler a lot around here, but man Ben Linus sure looks like him in that photo.

Childhood rapper
Kind of impressed that there has only been one comment so far about how this is an obvious attempt by Koski to make up for her crapping all over Ghostbusters.

You were lucky
Mr D'Angelo, what an interesting movie for Scenic Routes, one which is gorgeously beautiful. Your description of the visuals is more than I could possibly hope to match. However, let me add my voice to the growing crowd and say that the dialogue severely detracts from the story. There is a long long

I don't think gold would make very good armor.

Any idea why the flop? What happened?

I know I'll seem like a jerk saying this, but this type of project seems like the kind of thing which makes the people who submit the video feel better about themselves, but doesn't really help anyone.

I do not find this character funny. I actively dislike him because it seems lazy (and unfunny). Mostly unfunny.