
Horse punch
Does he at least punch a horse in the face? If not, I'm not seeing it.

Great video
I enjoyed this a lot, but can we all get together and agree to not use the word "'shipper"?

Enjoy it
Don't be so uptight just enjoy it, it's a funny thing to watch. Have I acted obnoxious at a concert? Yep. It's still funny to see these guys who may just be on E, who knows?

One awesome difference between the book and the film is that in the film he tells his wife after he has an affair. In the book he doesn't, and for John Grisham that's just fine.

Seconded! Craig, these are quotes read by two classy Broadway actors. You won't suffer from Jersey Shore association from having listened. I've never seen the show either.

Yeah, was kind of wondering that myself. Dunham is an incredibly successful comedian who no longer competes competes in conVENTions because he kept winning them all. He's had shows on Comedy Central and sells out large venues. He's an incredibly talented and successful ventriloquist who's also a staggeringly hacky and

Unemployed people - correction
Sean, do you mean libraries are those buildings where unemployed people go to look at the porn?

Great point, but let's also keep in mind the novel itself was written in 1957, hardly the golden age of trains. What I'm saying is Ayn Rand herself was hardly revolutionary.

Animal Rescue
Went to visit an exotic cat rescue place in Indiana once and it was horribly depressing. People purchased the animals and had no idea how to care for them. Many of the animals had severe health problems due to poor care from previous owners. One woman had tried to raise a puma by just feeding it regular

I never expected so much cock swinging 'tude on these podcasts. So many guys sound like they've drank way too much whiskey and smoked too many cigarettes. All gravely-voiced tough guys. I listen to podcasts while trying to distract myself from the banality of my job, so it just seems a weird place to have so

Never Not Funny
Hologram Man, Meth Lady, The Other Guy, and The Other Other Guy, Inc.

Agreed. I love the final ten or fifteen minutes. The reunion portion is hilarious as they all awkwardly recount what they've been doing and their new passions. The dojo ad at the end was also pretty epic.

Hell yeah. Gotta be fake though, right? It's actually a brillo pad.

Screen Grab
That is a hilariously cheesy-looking screen grab. I'm sure it makes sense in the context of the series, but if you don't know anything about it, it cracks me up.

Ok thanks. I know a lot of people liked it for sure. I guess I wanted to like it, but everyone has their own taste.

You compare the novel to Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell. I've seen that story get a few mentions recently and I know it has a great reputation but I just couldn't get into it. I found it overly cutesy, something like the lightest elements of Sherlock Holmes combined with Harry Potter. That's not exactly right,

OK, I'll take your word for it. "Crazy shit done right" good or just "better"

The Loop!
Todd, sorry to get off-topic but you say "The Loop" was criminally underrated. I have to ask, did it get better after the pilot? I watched the pilot and found it so awful I turned to my wife and said something to the effect of I will never watch that show again, so help me god.

Looks/sounds great and I can't wait. The comparison to REM made me laugh because I always find TVOTR to be very pretentious, but I love them for it.

Ron's Car
One small thing that bothered me. The battery on Ron's car is dead and so no one can go home? Are we supposed to think they all went in one car with all their equipment? That seems weird.