
Nah, Mesotheleona Helmsley's was funnier.

Cat Run
They should have just shown the picture of Paz Vega featured in the review for the movie poster.

Familiar with horror
King, of course, is no stranger to tales of heartland horror, but then neither is Mellencamp.

Child action franchise
Looks like most of us here saw it as children and loved it. There is no need to make it more child friendly.

That's right. He was hit with a restraining order. He was a deeply disturbed man and not a very good man. Are we supposed to sympathize with him as it seems to be suggested at the beginning of the film? A good man in an unjust world. Or is he really a horrible monster? That's always bothered me about the film. Maybe

OtP - I don't think you could argue they have nearly the same cultural pervasiveness as they once did, is that right?

I imagine it was difficult to maintain for whoever they stuck it with that month and had relatively low viewership.

More disturbing than adorable or humorous!

Yeah,we were some of the few who enjoyed the feature. Sorry it's gone, but more sorry about the way it was sort of sloughed off. I'm sure if they'd announced it people would have raised a big stink.

Pinkie - are you my friend? I use that quote. Yeah, I guess the point is I hope our generation will have some perspective and realize we all misspent our youth and were lazy but I suppose not. We'll probably all tell ourselves how industrious and hard working we were, not like today's kids.

Kids Today
Slightly off topic, but how can anyone in our generation have the balls to say something like, " in their day, kids stayed busy with useful tasks, while today, they kill time watching South Park on the Internet and scarfing food from Pizza Hut." Yet, I'm fairly certain many will, as if we didn't all grow up

As people pointed out above, the photo above looks spectacularly like it's from Saved by the Bell or some Disney Channel show. Is the whole thing so poorly shot, or is it just the particular image?

And you'll be there to tell her that's just how life works!

@i and 1 - hilarious

Good points Cpt. Can I give you a great non-example? What is up with the Canada's CBC? I'm only familiar with their radio program, As It Happens, but it is flat out horrible. I occasionally listen, hoping it'll get better, but it never ever does. And I mean ever. Mainly Carol Off.

Both humans in the Jeopardy challenge against Watson pointed out that Watson's main advantage was flawless clicker timing.

Shhh - @Sheltie! Rowan doesn't know he's a robot, we're not telling yet.

I actually thought Outsourced was highly rated. It's not?

That's right zeppo and Dr., don't ignore the sub-Ke$ha level lyrics here. The whole package of awfulness right in one.

I'm not gonna lie. That was awful and amazing. And a good way to teach the kids about the days of the week.