
Smashing watermelons
At least he went out doing what he loved best.

Fuck Yeah!
Sean O'Neal's back!

I love this "Other Shows" (that are super popular but not great TV) series, but I felt that review was a little condescending at the end, Mr. Van DerWerff. As if you're implying younger people have a truer sense of racial inequality.

Excellent inventory, as always. But I have to say my favorite part of this is the first scene when you're all talking and then the camera cuts to Steve, who's like, "Oh hi, I didn't see you there." Something about the setup is so awesome. Thanks.

AND opinionated? Nice to see he's covering both sides of music journalism.

I'm just really surprised at all the Magnitude love, here. I really really find him annoying and unfunny. I thought for sure other people would feel the same but in the first page of comments at least, no one seems to.

Nice job, guys
Enjoyed this, but fuck you for making me watch you, I've got work to do here. At my job!!!

This is super exciting news!
If this were fifteen years ago.

Like, "A Report to an Academy" maybe? Except that ape didn't fuck anyone. He was just sad.

And look how far you've come.

No, Hipster-billy is right! That's only $20,000,000 dollars. Here's what we do. Everyone goes in a buys a large cup of Seattle's Best coffee (look, we know it's not really all that good, let alone the "best" of Seattle but make this sacrifice. For Borders!!) for $2. By calculation that's only 10,000,000 of us. We can

Excellent article
Noel - excellent article. Thank you, and your music journalism skills are impressive. I really enjoyed this perspective.

Kevin - that's true, but in his defense children are just so darn tasty. I'm eating mine a little bit at a time to savor him. Yummmm!

This is not as hot a party as I had anticipated.

A Network Willing to Air It
How about WealthTV? I hear they're in desperate need of some programming and come on - who was wealthier than the Kennedys?

Yeah, I kept thinking they couldn't have picked a less likely guy to do their action shots. Dude is over 60 years old. But still kicks ass.

too long, didn't watch. I had to look it up, too. Koski however, is all up in the slang.

Hey Lazy - yes there have been honor killings in the US. Amina and Sara Said in Texas in 2008, Noor Almaleki in Arizona in 2009, and probably more than we realize, but I _think_ Commodore's point is that honor killings are less common here due to cultural differences among the immigrants.
