
Well, Slash is washed up.

Absurdity of teenage love
Hey Zach, thanks for the great review. I hate to be the jerk who says this, but some of the greatest love stories of all time involve teenagers in love. Don't they?

That's the same goblet used as the Holy Grail in the Indiana Jones movie.

Total Recall
For a long time the script had a semi-legendary status in Hollywood as one of the greatest unproduced scripts ever. And then we got the result: a decent, fairly uninspired action movie. Not bad exactly, just…

You know what happened. They're burning off the last few reviews by Leonard Pierce but they can't credit him.

I've been with the same woman for 10 years and not once have I been asleep when we had sex.

Yah, previews are really a "stupid" thing to do at all, Mr. Dean. They're standard practice. Even my shitty local theater company does them.

I wonder if Myle's (and others) reaction to the show was downgraded because of the blood. I know some people are genuinely bothered by blood. I'm not trying to be macho, I just wonder if some people downgraded the episode because of that.


Lea Michele
Lea Michele doesn't contribute to the sexualization of young women because she is the least sexy attractive person in existence. I don't know how she does it.

Just skip those parts.

Have you seen this???
A few weeks ago an old college friend of mine sent me the Bed Intruder video and was so amazed by it, clearly he'd never seen it. I was pretty surprised, acted like I thought it was great and ended up thinking I probably waste way more of my time at work than he does.

Man, learned about this last night on Keith's twitter. This will sound weak, but this affects me a lot for some reason. I really really liked Leonard and I'm sorry he fucked up. He was one of my favorites. Couldn't have been a pleasant conversation for either Keith or Leonard to have.

What's really funny about Stern is that he acts like a total badass but when he has an actual A-list celebrity on he falls all over himself fluffing them.

@Kid - I think the real lesson is that TV Executives need to come up with better titles.

That couple should release a sex tape!

Also iron and steel products. Seriously, they're Sweden's main mineral exports.

Thanks chudleycannonfodder!

Kyra Sedgwick is the female Columbo, right?

I don't understand. It seemed like it was showing the dream time with the first dream in the van and then the next level in the hotel. The hotel was vastly sped up. Then everything started going at more or less the same speed. That confuses me. Still awesome to see them all together, though.