
Dora the Explorer is without a doubt the single worst program on children's television. Not the most annoying, just the worst. They literally don't give a fuck and never try. It's just lazy and horrible. I have a two year old who watches two or three episodes a day. Leonard, you're telling me the still watch it at 4?

No, one story is called American History. The book is titled Palo Alto.

Thanks superdeformed! Those were hilarious.

That's right, it's all Evi's fault caused by her excessive shopping. Women and shopping, am I right guys? They go together like sexism and the AV Club. I kid, I kid. I love you guys.

Ok, that's actually pretty funny, thanks!

Man, I wish I got this post. Seems funny, but I'm just too stupid to get it. Is the humor the shocked expressions?

We masturbate, just like he does.

Jake Gyllenhaal. He played a swarthy Persian in Prince of Persia, right?

That's right. The blacks in the novels weren't evil, they were just naive and easily fooled.

I totally noticed, joe.

Yep, no problem for me either Preparation Heche - Knockout Zed. Perhaps it's not them it's… you?

They really stuck the ending
Here's an irrelevant comment, six days after the fact, that no one will ever read. Mr. Vanderwerff - I strongly disagree with you. The ending didn't wrap around from funny to unfunny to funny again, because it never got unfunny. It just kept raising the stakes and was amazing all the way

Yeah… Well, no one is forcing you to click on these videos which are clearly described beforehand. The point is, Kanye's tweets are hilariously unselfconscious. If you have a twitter account, you should follow him.

He was a robot, robots don't have emotions.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Hint: they're not very good.

"his tentacles broke the roiling surf of the Pacific Ocean"

What is it about misogyny that makes people awesome?


Yes, phel! I actually really like Wilson and wish he would expand his repertoire. I think he is pretty talented.