
And if they aren't trying to convert straights, why are they so attractive?

Yeah, as some people have said, how crudely drawn and/or obscure do the characters have to be to be safe?

Well, Black Parade wasn't great, but for what it was, it did the job. I enjoyed it, at least. On another note - ShriketheAvatar - Your first two sentences made me laugh because that's how I feel. I love this column, but it makes me feel superior.

20 years ago
It would have rocked the entertainment world 20 years ago, because it was written in 1991! People would have been all like, "Holy shit! It's only 1990. This letter is from the future!"

Also, Michael Chriction can't really, "use a novel to denounce climate change" and get on Oprah anymore being as how he's dead.

Weird. He didn't even mention how he'd like to play the Queen, like Helen Mirren did. I thought that was a staple of all his interviews.

Spoiler alert: You're a couch.

Why is it bad to spend your, "gaudy expense accounts on hookers and blow"? Just curious.

Squelchy. I don't know that I've ever heard it used either, but apparently it's a real word - from Merriam-Webster's online dictionary.

Wait Sean, you have hundreds of cats?

I'm not really interested in this game
I just want to know why the dude in the screen grab is wearing a bikini top and short shorts? What gives?

Almost as if Sean were joking or something. BTW - you'll probably never see this comment Sean, but bravo. Excellent, excellent post.

Good point, Russel. You can certainly hate homosexuals and be one yourself. You can hate Jews and be Jewish, etc.

Yeah, you all should definitely follow ZMF on twitter. He posts there far more often than he does here. And they're usually awesome.

Per ZMF's tweet at the time - yes I archive them, don't you

I always think of George W Bush as more of a Herbert Hoover man; incompetent and asleep at the wheel.

This was more offensive than the time Katy Perry flashed Elmo on Sesame Street.

"One involves Bell ending up covered in mud and ant bites."

Sean, we get it, you don't like Glee. I love your writings, but cmon.

See also the Manson Family