
I'm guessing this movie tanked partly because it was a low-concept, plausible, decent rom-com. I mean, they fall in love and one of them moves away so they have to make it work? How is that even wacky? Where are the vibrating panties, the farting dogs, the fabulous gay man and/or much younger relative to dispense

Great idea
After we're all done making some well deserved fun of the networks, I think we should agree that this is a GREAT idea. The miniseries and TV movies categories are an enormous drag and easily the most boring part of the Emmy's. So, don't do it because some whiny networks want it. Do it because it's a good

Great, this is what I get for growing up on a farm! My house was half a mile off a road that doesn't have a street view anyway. Thanks Mom and Dad!

I loved The Thin Red Line.

Musical numbers substituting for actual jokes
I don't Sean. I have a friend who's a comedy writer and he was making the point that a lot of humor today is in the form rather than the content of the piece. So, Jimmy Fallon's Elton John impersonation or the Glee opening number was funny because it was a ridiculous

I can't believe The Closer is considered a drama. I guess it is in the way that Nurse Jackie is a comedy.

Neither one very relevant! But we still love you.

On the off chance you are serious, Jim Carrey now ex-wife Jenna McCarthy believes that a vaccine caused her son's autism and that an herbal diet has now cured him of his autism. Her son that is, not Jim Carrey.

Not to mention how awful it must have been for the members of the band.

According to Snopes, it's also false.

Never Married
Horrible female commentator: She's a 41 year-old woman. She's never been married.

The Real Housewives
"the REAL housewives of D.C. are the ones married to congressmen"

Arsenio - I think maybe mollycoddle means the opposite of what you think it means unless conservatives started going soft on drugs. Don't most of them want to lock drug users in jail and throw away the key?

Ok, that made me laugh.

Yes Dark Passenger! A clip film.

Marilyn Monroe
Wow. I can't believe the leader of one of two great superpowers in the entire world would lose his shit in front of such an important person as Marilyn Monroe.

Tony Robbins?
I'm confused, what does this have to do with Tony Robbins?

The Proposition
The Proposition was so good, Noel Murray said "The sketchily symbolic characters and flat plot just frame an atmosphere of sticky heat and Biblical reckoning." Then he gave it a C-.

The man can do no wrong
In my book, he can do no wrong. Just look at a list of his movies since JFK. Just one masterpiece after another. I can fully understand why we still pay attention to him.

Noel means the Christian Bale twist was the more obvious one. The Hugh Jackman one was the darker less obvious one.