
Guys, I'm seriously worried. I've never been able to get into Neko Case. I find her songs decent but unremarkable, I don't find her voice mind-blowing, and I think she's attractive but not stratospherically gorgeous. I'm a straight man, married, I like women. I do. I like women. Is there something wrong with me?

The hate? The article says it's, "the only semi-ambitious and accomplished movie a major studio has released the past five weeks."

Love this column
Mr. Heisler, I just want to say I love this column, it's one of my favorite features at this site, and I waste WAY too much of my time here, so that's saying something. But, there's too much of it here. It's too long. Can I humbly suggest you break it up and present this as a weekly or even a

Terrible series
Thundercats was lame, even as kids cartoon series go. It's competition was roughly Transformers, GI Joe, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and it managed to be weaker than any of them, which is saying an awful lot. When the best name you can come up with for your hero is Lion-O, you should just scrap

Weird, they sound nothing like Neon Bible to me. Neon Bible was emotionally austere and maybe a little too earnest for its own good, although it was my favorite album of the year. These sound fun and almost danceable, not at all grand. Sort of 80's influenced. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Not good?

Thanks for the education, 2 Wycked. I always thought that was a GNR song. I also appreciate the Community callback.

I'm super slow, but what does every rose has its thorn have to do with Bret Michaels?


Will Arnett

Wouldn't it be interesting to see Wils Arnett as the do gooder and Keri Russell as the douchebag?

So, why would you make a mix-tape for your ex-girlfriend? Sounds kinda desperate.

I don't know, Ray Stevenson as Porthos? I always pictured him as more of an Athos. At a stretch he could do Aramis, but Porthos? Come on!

Jason Heller??
I thought Sean O'Neal wrote all newswiresfor The AV Club these days.

Plus, this website is free so you totally don't have to look at it.

Haha. Oh Genevieve, you know if you give us something, we'll just complain about it.

8) Were you talking? I was busy staring at your tits.

Your post just made me want to stuff my face with ice cream. You go to the gym.

And your clothing.

The Avengers was never a very good comic in my opinion. Plus, is anyone else tired of the whole comic adaptation thing?