
Just awesome. Thanks Genevieve.

I normally don't comment on the grades given, but this one just seems to belong to someone else's review.

Isn't "Where the Wild Things Are" the name of the film?

I would nominate Glee: Pilot. It's the only flat-out excellent episode of the show and unfortunately promises things the series does not deliver.

Wow, I'm kind of…impressed that Noel has taken the time to respond to nearly every one of his critics. Thanks. No snark intended.

I always felt the Rockstar reality shows (INXS and Supernova) were so much better than their American Idol inspirations. Not that I think the finished product was all that great, but the contestants were not bland marginally talented Disney products. They had actual talent drive and ambition.


With your stupid question.

You're stupid.

I agree, the overreaction to Firefly's non-inclusion is a little overblown (and hilarious!) but what did you guys really think would happen leaving it off the list?

Soylent Green is people!

fact or fiction
I find the tone of this review really charming. "I didn't believe it at all, it's so fake. The lady's probably not even a real person, right? Right? I figured it out right away, this movie's STUPID!"

It's easy to hate on Rent now. It's references are so minutely culturally specific that they seem laughable now. And I come to bury it, not to praise it, but there was a time in 1997 when it wasn't so cliched and worn out. It actually seemed new and original, if you can believe that. It subsequently became a

I Russia, An Education is trip to Siberia!

It's a word! Look it up!

Right, got all excited, let loose with your comment, and then felt all embarrassed about it and tried to deny it later.

Oh Tobias, you blowhard.

3rd act bore
I agree with Nabin that the movie loses steam in the third act, but I pretty much think it's as a direct result of Zellweger's monologue. For me, that just sucked all of air out of the film and it's a dead weight after.

Amelie: "So Um… I've heard there's this game, maybe called Guitar Hero, maybe like 4 or 5, I don't know…"

No it's a cliche, but not necessarily in film.