
Pop-up videos
This will be just like Pop-up videos. Remember how much that sucked? Actually, I hated that at the time and just assumed everyone else did. So, imagine how surprising it was to see everyone on this site loving them so much. I predict in 10 years everyone will be fondly remembering these as well.

Pop-up videos
This will be just like Pop-up videos. Remember how much that sucked? Actually, I hated that at the time and just assumed everyone else did. So, imagine how surprising it was to see everyone on this site loving them so much. I predict in 10 years everyone will be fondly remembering these as well.

@Richelieu - You're welcome. Anything we can do to help.

That model has since been recalled.

That is true. Rambo punched off a dude's head.

Which Giant?
So, which of the Giants kicks his ass? Is it Eli Manning? If so, I will never go see this movie, because Eli is too much of a gentleman for that.

Yeah, this movie got so much love when it came out. It currently has a 76 on metacritic. I just didn't get it. I've got a new baby and get to see about three films in the theatre as a result. I went to see this based on the ecstatic reviews on this site and others. But it was just… kind of dull. Nice enough and sweet,

I don't know, I liked Animal House and the original Vacation.

Why, what did Amelie say? Someone should tell me since I've come to realize Amelie is never ever worth the effort of clicking on her articles. I've been burned too many times.

Patton Oswalt you say? Best known for King of Queens? Never heard of him.

The sequel is also incredibly timely, coming out a mere six years after the original, right when it's at its peak!

Roles that he could "fit into" and the need to have more scripts "tailored" to him? I see what you're saying. Forest Whitaker is an extremely fat actor.

Boo Ya!

Why don't you just turn 5 degrees? Save you some time.

Roy, you mean you haven't heard? Very sad. Chairry's fate, not your post.

I know about Redbox entirely from the AV Club which had a small mention of it in an article last year. I live in SF and am from the midwest and haven't seen the dispensers in either place ever. I'm sure it's hugely popular, but not out here I guess.

Too good for you
The film is "a strong rival for Star Trek among the summer's most purely exciting action films."

What About Me
Sean O'Neal will you have my babies? I'm a heterosexual male, so I"m not sure how that would work, but based on the strength of your daily buzzkills, I see it as necessary.

"Every beat of Yi's manufactured crisis of faith feels as pre-programmed in its own way as a Michael Bay movie." Ouch.

Rev., at my school kids with rat tails were always skeevy trailer trash who slept with their cousins and so weren't virgins. Different parts of the country, I guess.