
Noel, you say this film, "leans toward the handsome and thoughtful when it could stand to be a lot dirtier and more visceral." You give The Lives of Others as an example and Black Book as a counter-example. Are you SURE you don't have those reversed? To me Black Book was way too glossy and had too many (bad)

Hey Nabin, there was nowhere else to post this so I just wanted to say I heard you on NPR last night. Good work.

He IS gay
He totally dressed up in drag for Hairspray.

Other Films that time forgot
See also every other Indonesian film ever made.

From Entanglements
I get "Abandoning" from Parenthetical Girls "Entanglements" album.

Windows go boom!
The windows in this film are hilariously flimsy. The woman is able to jump through the window like it's rice paper and Scott Bakula falls backward shattering the glass in his office door. If it were that flimsy he'd need to replace it after every time he shut the door.

This film: sooooo gay.

Just want to say how awesome it is to see the daily buzzkill! Thanks Mr. ONeal. Great line-
"Are you fucking kidding? All you do is tell people they're beautiful, and then you just babble about individuality and spirit like you spent the afternoon watching Oprah from inside a box of Franzia" territory, please.

Just want to say how awesome it is to see the daily buzzkill! Thanks Mr. ONeal. Great line-
"Are you fucking kidding? All you do is tell people they're beautiful, and then you just babble about individuality and spirit like you spent the afternoon watching Oprah from inside a box of Franzia" territory, please.

I know! The film's barely grossed $50 million in two weeks. That's… that's more than I'll make in my liftetime. I've got to go lie down.

Flight of the Conchords
Also, I like the way Jemaine Clement is nominated but not Bret McKenzie.

The Mentalist is a drama? I literally would have considered it a…uh, a… huh, I can't think of a way to end that sentence but drama would be the last word I would use. Just listen to the kitschy music cues and the cheesy wink, wink performances. Dramedy?

downward spiral
So the book tracks a downward spiral? What a relief from 99% of contemporary American authors who are always so positive and life-affirming.

Great interview, but I had to chuckle a bit (because I'm kind of a fifth grader at heart) that you found the gay sex tape to be "thrillingly naturalistic. "

@Gentle Herpes - how about this. At his age, that's the first stiffie he's held in a long time.

It seems they reserve high scores after interviews to Iraq War movies. Kimberly Pierce was interviewed (I think) for Stop Loss and that film got an A-. Every other critic hated it, though.

Who killed Art Deco
It was the Beatles.

He wasn't aware you were around, either

The French actress
Isabelle Hupert sucks the air out of every scene she's in. She ruins the second half of the film. Huckabees is all about the zippiness and lightness in dealing with the existential problems of life, but it's like they intentionally cast this woman who can't act. I know she's a nihilist but the role

This man claims to have performed at the American Conservatory Theatre in San Francisco? I'm an actor and I live in San Francisco and as God is my witness, this man never ever set foot on ACT's stage.