
Being There
His… his nephews like to watch? Tell me this means something other than what it sounds like.

You guys are all missing the point 4.5 kgs is not 11 pounds, it's 9.9 lbs! Way the fuck off.

Goodbye sketch
I don't know if I'm the only one, but I really liked the Goodbye sketch, a perfect example of them taking a joke and stretching it out to such a ridiculous conclusion that it's hilarious.

What happens?
I wanted to hear what Mr. T says when you miss an exit. Does he pity you?

Well then why did the publisher choose that title? I'm assuming someone somewhere in the book makes this assertion. I guess I'm asking why this is in the book at all.

Why the title though?
Michaelangelo, what's with the title though? You mention it's not as incendiary as it sounds, but why did he give it that title? It seems like you should have at least mentioned that fact.

Arsenio - Are you suggesting only gay republicans would like the show?

New song
I like to think the way this was found is that someone at the AV Club is constantly trolling YouTube for new Weird Al videos.

New feature
I like that it took Harold Bloom three times to get through the book. I'm glad I'm not the only one that happens to. This could be a new feature, a la US Weekly. "Academics, they're just like us…"
"Harold Bloom had to try three times before he got through 'masterpiece'."

It was the trees.

Of course he did, otherwise what would be the point?

The pie is the heart of the picture.

Those are both great points, and maybe you aren't commenting on the article directly, but I think Noel's point is that these amoral characters have been done to death. My question is, now what? If we had moral characters for 5+ decades of TV are the amoral heroes really an aberration or something enduring? There have

Hey Pancake, that was kind of a douchy thing to say, but thanks for saying it.

Whatever day you get a blow job, that day is a special occasion.

She plays bingo, so she's got one strike against her.

Yeah Leonard, I really enjoyed this and all your posts, the only problem is, you don't post super often. So, keep it up and write more you lazy bum.

Nabin must be a little bit obsessed with Cat in the Hat at this point. He first reviewed it when it was released into theaters, then watched it again for MYOF and now a third time. I don't know whether to be in awe or to have him committed.

Wow! I would DEFINITELY see this movie.

Waldo, a man, a plan, a canal, panama, odlaw!