
I do Porkchop. I don't live in NYC and I'm not even gay.

Yes! Yes! Exactly! And Biggus Dickus, too! Wait, who's Gaius Baltar?

I love your writing Sean but, "Veckatimest was named after an unpopulated island, but it's teeming with life…" Really?

His is the opposite of the late career renaissance.

Look, Jonah Hill's not gay. He's just really obsessed with penises, like really really into them. And Russell Brand. What's gay about that?

The tone of the entire interview
Can be summed up in one of the first anecdotes.

Why do adults enjoy hijacking planes, demands hundreds of thousands of dollars in ransom and parachuting away, never to be hear from again? Wouldn't you at least want to flaunt it a little?

The point is the politicians are denying homosexuals the same rights given to heterosexuals. Politicians in this documentary have voted against gay adoption and gay marriage. In the past they have advocated extreme quarantine measures for people with AIDS. The list goes on and on. So, I do agree somewhat with Bradley

Did they prop him up on stage a la Weekend at Bernies?

Too soon?

Colonel Kurtz
Tyson is the Kurtz to Toback's Russian.

Wiebe's wife
Must be so proud of him. In the documentary she could barely contain her open contempt for him. It would have been funny except for the fact that Steve was a real person.

Lead footed musical
I also feel the musical itself is boring, over-long, lead-footed and hasn't aged well at all. True it has some great music in it. If you're a fan of musicals, buy the music only. I'm sure the movie doesn't do it any favors, but you can only do so much with the material you're handed.

@The Scarlet Pumpernickel - You are a masterbaiter. Congrats.

Obstructed blonde would be a great band name.

Career apex
This is undoubtedly one of the lows of Bea Arthur's career but it's pretty likely that there are dudes in Stormtrooper costumes for whom this is the high point.

Two Americans?
Tarantino and Lee? But the BBC is reporting that there is only ONE American, i.e. Tarantino. Whom to believe?

Who is Marilyn Chambers? See that was easy.

Matthew McConnaughey

@Darbyofake - Thanks alot! I just googled 'merkin'. I'm at work for God's sake. It's a pubic wig everyone. A pubic wig