
It's like when you get an iPod as a gift and there is something inscribed on the back. That's a B-side.

charismatic costars
"Erstwhile charismatic co-star Michelle Rodriguez" I don't know, she still seems pretty charismatic to me.

So, what's a urethra sound like anyway?

I also loved the look on Stanley's face when he was assigned the task of productivity czar. Something close to sheer terror.


The Scent of Something
So Souleymane Sy Savane is Chris O'Donnell to Red West's Al Pacino?

Which "Kamel" fucker? Gen David Petraeus?

I believe you mean, "The article goes on to detail the projects long, tortured path to its likely fail start date."

@ElZilcho - Yep, too bad we can't telecommute. I could not do two jobs at once.

But how could there be a sequel to WWZ? The zombies were all contained and humanity learned a valuable lesson about working meaningful jobs like chimney sweeps and not useless ones like we all have?

Wrong play title
I think the title of the play is spelled, "Picasso at the Lapin Agile". I believe there's an extra 'e' at the end of 'lapin'.

I like how everyone at the AV Club offices with the exception of Chang and Koski is so shlubby looking. This isn't an insult, I dress/look that way too, I just find it funny that the two bravest tasters are also the sharpest dressers.

The AVClub reviewers seem to have nothing but disdain for "artistic" movies. The Wind That Shakes the Barley, Manufactured Landscapes, Up the Yangtze, and this. I'm sure there are other examples. So, don't judge the film too much based upon this review.

These are all great stories. My worst was watching Happiness while staying with my mom in her one bedroom apartment. If you haven't seen it with a parent, please do. The parts where the child molester explains to his son his motivation for molesting children as well as the part where one kid masturbates and then the

He's still in high school and in real life he's 31 years old. He is definitely on a great career path.

Words can't change
The A.V. Club: Is it true that you have a clause in your contract that your words cannot be changed?

3 chromosomes?
Damn, I've got 46! I'm doomed.

I don't see how you can fail to see this as justification for Bush's foreign policy over the last eight years. We're Kate Hudson, the rest of the world is Anne Hathaway, 9/11 is our wedding date, and the Iraq war is the hilarity that follows. Unfortunately, I'm not sure we learned any lessons.

Thanks Yosarrian, that's a very good idea.