
My question is as follows:
1) What happened on Season 4 of The Sopranos? I was too busy in my final year of college to watch much TV and I'm too lazy to look it up online. Thanks.

Absent without leave.

Onion Point-Counterpoint
Did homecoming remind anyone else of this old Onion article? One of my favorites.

I'm voting for John McCain, not because I'm a republican but because he's the only white man in the race. What I'm trying to say is

Random yahoos
What's an internet donkey?

AV Club?
No Jack White or White Stripes hate yet and only one comment on Meg's breasts? Is… is this the AV Club?

True logic salad, I've always heard the perfect CIA/MI6 officer is the "grey man", the guy who is literally so nondescript that you never notice him.

the low end
The phrase, "he must have been turning cartwheels in his grave" makes it sound like Dr. Seuss is ecstatic about this adaptation.

OY, sorry that was a Simpsons quote. Totally out of place. Sorry about that.

New AV Club features
You guys keep teasing us about this X,Y, and Z new features shit. Come on, give us a hint.

Lyrics collections
So Mark Kozelek is publishing a book of his lyrics? I hate to generalize but old people are no good at everything. No seriously, I hate to generalize, but I usually find lyrics to be pretty bad as poetry. Great as part of a song, but bad, pretentious and shallow as pure written word.

Ok, thanks Dr. teeth. Glory Days is by Bruce Springsteen. Now I feel like an idiot just because I came up with a factually incorrect example to back up my off-the-cuff, knee-jerk, ill-considered post. I hope you're happy.

Mellencamp's muse
I have to disagree with Mr. Hyden. To me, Mellencamp's muse is not the enormous chip on his shoulder, but nostalgia for a simpler time. I mean, Glory Days, Jack & Diane, etc.

Disney channel
Ha, too wholesome even for the Disney Channel.

I did experience a seizure while watching, it was actually not that bad.

This makes me all sad and nostalgic for my girlfriend-less youth. As others have noted, my friends and I spent many many hours playing D&D and its many spin-offs. Good times. Good times.

I mean, what about the guy in the second video?

Who's the guy in the first video?

So, he liked male strippers therefore he might molest teenage boys? Help me out here.

That was all like
Boom goes the dynamite!