
Thank goodness Olivier Megaton is not directing it.

One can't take you to Saigon. It's called Ho Chi Minh City now.
And yeah, the coffee there is really good.

It's more like a jokey trend of recent years. Some like karaage with lemon, some do not. Turns out there's even an app for that:

The distinction between karaage and tatsuta-age is vague, but I'm told tatsuta-age uses marinated meat with starch, whereas karaage is fried with flour.

Let Darren Aronofsky make his version of Dark Knight with Frank Miller.

Teenage Riot by Sonic Youth is good. Starts out dreamy, then kicks into the gear in a minute or so.

In terms of comics, Mark Millar and Brian Hitch's The Ultimates had memorable poking at Bush too.

Stephen Colbert at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner.

"So this is how democracy dies, with thunderous applause".

I grew up watching so many movies he was in. He will be sorely missed.


FYI the document at 0:37 mark is in Japanese and says "Agreement of termination of artificial nerve system".

The boy in the truck with Samuel Beckett is none other than Andre the Giant, who was so huge even as a kid only Beckett had the sizable car to drive him to the school in his French neighborhood.


Dunkirk will be released only to the theatres with 70mm projection equipment this year. Other theatres will have to wait until 2018.

No Trainspotting 2, really? That sequel would at least tell us how last 20 years have happened and we basically wasted them, unlike Independence Day or The X-Files.

When is Class, the Doctor Who spinoff, coming to the US? It is a good show depicting the fragility of teen psyche mixed with horror and sci-fi.

Kubo and the Two Strings. See it.

Animated films were also great this year. Zootopia obviously, and also Kubo and the Two Strings and April and the Extraordinary World, maybe even Sausage Party.

Not quite my tempo.