Cold Hearted Rake

Hmm, it's a cute cover, but best track?? That's selling short a lot of the really great music on that album.

Wait, was it not obvious how much they were making a nod to 'Crank' ?? Were my friends the only ones who realized this? The Speed references (and actor) only cemented this.

Wait, was it not obvious how much they were making a nod to 'Crank' ?? Were my friends the only ones who realized this? The Speed references (and actor) only cemented this.

YouTube: The Movie. 
The sequel to Coupon: The Movie.

I noticed this as well, and commented to a roommate who doesn't watch or care. One of those classy, thoughtful touches that elevates the show above its (hilarious) crass nature into something that occasionally hits really deep. Hell. I cried a lil bit during the Boys and Girls episode this season. So that's saying

Lori's line to Grimey summed up this whole damned show "WAIT! Do you want to have a conversation before you (insert pending action here) ??"

Scrooged is the best Christmas movie of all time. Shut up.

I could post an essay about how important this dude's music is to me and how worried I have been about him these past years (I won't).

I still love SNL, despite it continued mediocrity. Theses so little 'live' TV left that is an event, it makes me excited each week. And generally, I'm let down.

@Fuck you

Ditto. It is fantastic, somehow inexplicably earnest in it's 80s synth driven nostalgia.

That Senor, is cleavage. Side boob is comprised of exposed boob portions nearest to the arms.

What if?
I still think they should have combined the two shows into one superteam.

Best in a awhile
Since Rock Action maybe?

Chicago VS Toronto
After waiting so long for this record, try as I have, I can't help but be let down. McEntire just doesn't feel like the right fit. What people have called 'focus' I hear as sterility. There is a sheen that is befitting of such post-rock champs such as Tortoise and a bevy of other Chicago alum, but