Lady Heartcore

Hello, I am here for this.

I love that the show doesn't focus on how they are as a couple, but what being a couple means in their line of work.

I just burst out laughing thinking of Meep Morp Holt

I really didn't want Bob to turn heel, but it was so obvious mid episode! It's almost exactly like what happened to Jake with is old partner. This just made me miss the Pontiac Bandit so much more.

Jess was abysmal in this episode. Connie's bad luck story had me rolling though.

I thought the best romantic tension on the entire show was between Max and Alex…so this was weird.

By the end of the episode that was one of the top things on my mind. SAVE US PERD

Damn, Kelly really just lay splat on the sidewalk for most of that episode, huh? I mean, everyone's too braindead to clean it up.

Actually, that's EXACTLY who I pictured Elektra was acting like for this Season

I miss Owsley so much

"Anyone else annoyed that the show killed off Ben Urich and then gave
Karen a plotline that Ben would have been extremely useful in? I’m still
mad the show killed so many of its best supporting characters last

I've wondered this since season 1 because every time they say "city" I think—-Hell's Kitchen is only a couple of blocks???

I actually owned this on VHS as a kid and I always found it to be creepy and scary, especially when he left home and went into town. I always thought it was about gangs and mob bosses. No idea it went even further than that.

But who cares about the bridge? I know what her running was doing, but why THAT bridge? She finally gets the juice to make her faster and her only desire it to destroy a random bridge during rush house? She's a scientist, you'd think she'd have something super beneficial to her personal interest to take care of.

There's a lot that I didn't understand about this episode:

This is the third trailer I've seen for this movie and every single one cracks me up. I think this is the only movie I'm looking forward to right now.

First off, how dare you.

Chris Pratt's current haircut >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chris Pratt's hair in GOTG and Jurassic World.

Even with it's exaggerations, I never considered what the jurors might be going through during that trial, so found this insight interesting, especially how it could have correlated to the final verdict.

I can't tell if this is sarcasm, but this show has been receiving A's and Bs all season with favorable reviews.