Lady Heartcore

Season 2 actually contains daylight! I can see the characters! I can see what's happening!

Last year was the first time I sat through an entire DWTS season and I don't regret it as it self admittedly said multiple times that it was their best season ever. Looking at the this new cast…they were were right.

This was the first time I cried for this show, but I cry every week during The Flash

Welp, this is the first Supergirl episode that has made me cry and it so happened to be the best one of the season. Wow. Loved it.

From the moment the streaker walked in to the the reveal of Winston's new partner I was laughing so hard I had to pause the episode. And then when it kept going back to that…too good.

We covered this premiere at SXSW for my job. I think I need to see this again because I had some standard that this movie didn't meet. My co-workers and I all left with the same reaction, "It was good/okay, but not great". It seemed to have a True Detective meets ET feeling to it.

Even thought Jurassic Park is one of my all time favorite movies, I read the book many years later and wish that they had kept some of the thriller/scary scenes from the book. I like them both individually.

I mean the husband's. His case was not revolutionary by any means - "My wife is never home and the kids are with the sitter most of the time, just let them be with meeeeeeeeeee their actual father!" But I mean, we as the audience, all knew that he was just in it for the money/to stick it to her while she was on this

That was fantastic, how dare you!

While logistically it made sense, his intentions were to show that she was a "careless mother"

What a roller coaster ride of an episode in terms of events and
emotions! I cheered when she stoop up for herself as a woman and a
mother to the court, I cried for her when she tried to keep composure at
her desk in court, I shouted when that quick mark dick made that awful
comment, and through it all there was

Still makes me laugh

I just finished episode 7 and that was the best one. There's no reason this show couldn't be on the Disney Channel with the rest of what's airing on there currently.

I really though this was going to be abysmal due to articles like this….and sure the Pilot was an embarrassing Jimmy Kimmel sketch level of awkward…however, this is exactly on par with Disney Channel and ABC Family comedies…could even throw Undateable and CBS comedies in there. It's exactly that. I'm not sure what

Absolutely agree and when Corey Monteith actually died…woof. Completely unbearable and even more heartbreaking with the mentions and flashbacks

100% accurate. I made it to the "what if hitler had the cell phone" and just quit the series

I knew it immediately too. Damn John Williams, you break my heart with every symphony.

It's also one of the cover options from the book.

I did think that one was extremely weird and out of place in the entire thing

This show is seriously suffering from poor acting from most of the cast and bad pacing.