Lady Heartcore

The closest I ever came to quitting a show was when Teen Wolf killed off Allison. Not only the female lead, but one of my favorite characters on the show. It hasn't been the same since.

Why do you think it's not a remake? The used the same elements of the original, unless that's because they were both from the book.

Ocean's would be a reboot, True Grit would be a remake. Sorry, language.

Found on the WIki:
Monica's grandmother is the official tenant and lived there before Monica.
After she moved to Florida, Monica stayed in the apartment, sub-letting
the apartment illegally (this also covers the fact that Monica could
afford such an expensive apartment with her chef's salary)

The gynecologist answer at 2:12 is my friends Brother. Their family finally got to go on the show after years of us playing it online in our dorms at college. They ended up winning their entire series and rightfully so—I didn't stay up until 4am typing "Bananas" only for the X to come up revealing BANANA as the

I've only seen two reboots that were better than the original and that was True Grit and The Ocean's Trilogy. I may be missing one but everything else has just been a waste of time and money. These reboots get poorly crafted and made, followed by bad reviews and no one thinks of them again and yet…they keep making

Agreed with everything here. It's so distracting. I just always looked at OJ and thought he was intimidating. My mom rebutted my with saying that he was always "so handsome and everyone loved him". She believe that his concussions set him off (to possibly kill her) which is scarily common these days

I don't look at him as a hero, but more of someone who's steals every scene he's in because of his captivating performance.

I had to look up if that was really him, they cast that part so well.

One of many times that I yelled "WHAT THE" at the screen during the hour

What a truly insane, enthralling, tense hour of television. Every episode I find myself saying "WHAT THE" at least several times out loud. The insanity of it is that most of this really happened. Even if the exact dialogue didn't, the relationship dynamics were real. I can't get over the performances of Darden and

Regan is a delight. Outside Dave is a Treasure. And this show is back on Season 2 level.

As a kid I always looked forward to Billy Crystal's opening montage's where he inserted himself into the movies nominated that year.

Dammit, I forgot about that "Maybe he'll die" line which is me whenever any of my friends have issues in love pretty much.

Do Vets have one of the highest costing colleges or paid jobs? If a Job, then she could afford it, especially with two extra salaries assisting here.

Yes and now I'm even more convinced that John Stamos staged this entire thing just to live out his fantasy of being married to her again. He's mentioned on several occasions that she was "the one that got away"

I'll just add the same comment as last week…this show hasn't been this funny since season 2. I didn't expect much from this episode and I laughed at least once in every scene.

Two things:
Garbor and any Titanic references
Captain Cold is 40?!? WHAAAAAAT