Lady Heartcore

Kato is also a standout because everything with him is so ridiculous (Which I expected)

"For the most part, the cast is bulletproof. The only weak links, I
think, are John Travolta who is doing … something I can’t describe and
David Schwimmer who I can only think of as ”Ross Kardashian” while

At first I liked the choice and then when she was around certain characters, it felt very out of place. Almost like she was channeling Mae West in the wrong era.

I think Keke Palmer was an obvious over-actor, who's performance just got worse when surrounded by the Broadway Acting T-Birds.

Blanche and the T-Birds stole the show in this. Even with Aaron's very vanilla Danny, he still is a good actor—however, the acting and performance of the other T-Birds surpassed nearly all of the Pink Ladies aside from Rizzo.

Nothing about Mr. Holland's Opus? Damn. I sob like a pathetic baby every time.

Valley Girl Holt, Fort Building Holt, The I Love You's. This episode was at least A- for me.

So……………………tell me how you get the suit to fit in that ring.

That part shocked me at the end. Damn Patty….WHY

Sons of Anarchy - Colette
Adventure Time - Lemongrab
MIndy Project - Gwen and her daughter
Vikings - Princess Aslaug

How she was allowed her own scenes astounded me. Usually when people that annoying were on Sons of Anarchy, they were killed off by the end of the episode. JJ did not deliver on this. Also I though her brother was going to try and kill Jessica with his creepy desserts.

I'd take Ice King over Lemongrab any day. That voice and eating his own people was too much for me.

Came here for the creepy weird neighbors in Jessica Jones and Ann Perkins and was NOT disappointed.


Also a great character, albeit brief, in Sense and Sensibility.

I had NO idea S&S was Emma Thompson's screenplay! By far, one of my most favorite movies of all time—a love that is shared with my sister and something we have quoted frequently since it was first released. Bless Emma Thompson, since Colonel Brandon was the beginning of my love for Alan Rickman.

Though he currently behaves like a little turd—I mean, blaming Joe for being MIA when he really had no idea—-there's something I really liked about the actor and can't wait to see more of.

Well said

Cisco shined in this episode. He's one of my favorite parts of the series.

Speaking of Rickman films, I've been trying to buy several on Amazon and most hard copies are currently sold out. (Ahem Galaxy Quest)