Lady Heartcore

They have the exact same mouth/smile. If Daisy is hardcore smiling you can't tell the difference between the two.

This was definitely on Syfy last month and I only caught then end and naturally was extremely confused.

You go Disco Dream!

She just became so much more relatable.

I never read the Supergirl comics, but was this attracting/relationship pulled from there or just added on the show?

I'm just glad it's not following the typical path of bottled up, unrequited feelings for SEASONS and Winn just got it out into the open in less that 20 episodes.

Adam's reaction when he opened the door to find his girlfriend there gave me the loudest laugh of the night.

"The Stump" sounds very official.

Came here to write this exact comment almost word for word. It's a movie that my sister and I share as one of our most favorites and we re-watched it during the NYE weekend to cherish our love for Col. Brandon and all things Alan Rickman. (Love Actually, Galaxy Quest, and Dogma being up there)

I agree with Carrie…learn to give up the ghost on shows instead of hate watching. I too have up Gotham and felt bad and may want to revisit it…not sure why. Maybe for Gordon's facial expressions.

I love this post so much because it also touches on the Housewives Mansion scene, which was, by far my favorite in the entire movie. Women expressing their qualms, embarrassments, fears, wants, and wishes, and these men siting there taking it all in and truly listening and sharing stories.

he was excellent in that episode

hang out or stakeout? he's clearly not good at one of those.

First time I watched a full episode and it was worth it. Way to go Stamos. And I agree, more Keeners and how he's been tortured by them

i laughed the most at this

At least someone here remembers and appreciates House of Heroes!

It only took a minimum of 5 tries and I still can't remember how I did it.

Finally, an episode I really liked. Super interesting angle they're heading towards with the Purple Man.


Absolutely love DD's OTS. Probably my favorite in some time