Lady Heartcore

True that it's a Procedural, but I admire how no two episodes are told the same, and the production elements are consistently changed throughout the episode. Definitely a show I look forward to every week.

What about:
Jake McDorman as Brian Finch in Limitless?
Grant Gustin and Jesse L Martin as a Duo on the Flash?

One of my favorite episodes.

She could have remained a Devil Wears Prada type, but that fades with each episode. Her idea to make a speech of hope was brilliant and much needed and so was her scolding speech to Supergirl.

Had to re-watch this episode for the reveal of J’onn J’onzz. It's not one of my favorite moments in the superhero TV universe. It seemed more movie-like than that made for TV. Also, I've grown to like Cat more and more each episode, and especially when she took her own moment to inspire. The scene between her and

Well, yes and no. I think he did make a few good points. I mean, Jimmy/James DOES have a girlfriend.

As it should!

Came here for this and never leaving

I tweeted basically that exact statement about the True Car guy and he responded…which means he searches TrueCar tweets since I didn't know his name. I regret nothing!

as long as this isn't the guy from the True Car commercials, then whatever because I had to do a double take at the photo.

handsome mannequin should be his twitter bio if he has one.
he was hilarious in bother Jump Streets.

first off, how dare you!
second, you are correct about the thrilling part.

I forgot to add that the Jake/Amy mattress conflict was actually all too real and familiar, which was technically offensive to my feelings, therefore, C+ B99! I'm not sorry!

It's true, the "Get Low" montage and Charles in Charge WERE the best moments of the episode. Especially when comparing it with last week's episode which hit you in the feels with Rosa's storyline.

That was beyond confusing, rushed, insensitive, and extremely strange. What DID happen to her and he didn't even seem to really notice or care besides hanging up the phone for her.

This had to have been the worst episode of the series so far. It was all over the place and I found myself wondering what the heck was going on several times. I went to the #Empire feed and that also seemed the general consensus: People seemed confused and lost and also the threesome scene was perceived as

Annnnnd I definitely cried along with Rosa.
Stephanie Beatriz sold the hell out of those scenes.

The Walking Dead one has much potential

Random ones:
The entire "Happily Ever After" movie that was a bootleg non-Disney sequel to Snow White
The open theme/credits for PBS's 321 Contact
The "aliens" from Sesame Street
The witches turning into their true form in Witches
Ursula's garden of souls in The Little Mermaid
Any animated movie made by Don Bluth in the

Okay cool because I definitely stand behind that fact that it's scarier to rewatch than when I watching it in it's primetime.