Lady Heartcore

I just made my friends watch it for the first time on Halloween! I kept telling them how scary it was and I'm not sure they understood.

I feel like everything about Ghostwriter was ominous and creepy…and yet I still watched episodes of it. Wasn't there an episode that ripped off Chucky?

The scene where they turn into pigs is absolutely scary and Ursula's garden of souls still gives me nightmares.

That's because it IS scary and creepy. She was basically being drugged not to see him anymore…and also he did a ton of really creep stuff.

When they turn into their own versions of monsters to scare the new tenants is still one of the scariest things I've ever seen.

I cannot watch the opening credits to X-Files or Are you Afraid of the Dark. I still will run out of the room for the X-Files credits.

First of all, I look forward to every new episode.
Second, Christina Applegate is a treasure
Third, I love the re-occuring hatred for Zadak gag
Fourth, I think MEE has great chemistry with Savage and I think she's coming into her own slowly, and I definitely think she plays more than "mother"

I watched that final scene with Annaise and Wes with eyes half covered, completely terrified that they would start making out and I am not okay with whatever that is.

I kept thinking Amy was in the Witch decoration, but once we saw the Janitor, I knew it was obvious. However, that did not take away from Amy's full plan and final victory, which was so, so sweet.

The Alfred vs Danes negotiation scene has been one of my favorite of the series so far. Alfred was cold as steel and seemingly not afraid at all.

That's what I love about this show…that people constantly take down Saxon Joffrey…though wasn't he supposed to be shipped off? Did he run back to camp? I sort of missed that entire part as he just suddenly appeared again.

I was really impressed by that negotiation scene. Knowing full well how erratic that group of Danes is, as they could pretty much kill him on the spot, he barely blinked an eye. One of my favorite moments of the series, by far.

The horseback riding segment was A+ from beginning to end. Between him telling off those girls, the scarecrow, and the majestic imaging at the end—-this one of my favorites he's done.

Though I'm too scared to watch 98% of horror movies, I had to see Cabin in the Woods because critics were calling it "hilarious" and it did not disappoint. The ending to The Others, however still disturbs me every now and then when I think back to it.

I enjoyed both growing up, but you really can't beat The Addams - Sex, Ghouls, and Theatrics.

Annnnnnnnnnnd Entered!

To be fair, Chef Boyardee raviolis made us all sick at some point. I also wouldn't eat them again until well into my mid-20s.

Even with certain gripes, like Terry's fat suit, this was one of my favorite episodes. Second best Holt/Jake teamup next to, as mentioned, the "my was was killed “was killed by a man in a yellow sweater" moment.

Dammit, THAT'S who that was

Not sure which part I enjoyed more: The Lucious vs Cookie "Grandma.Grandpa" battle that I'm pretty sure was entirely improvised or Luscious' "moment alone" with Vernon