Lady Heartcore

Came here for Falcor, was not disappointed by the comments section at least!

Craig's "You Should Be Grateful" speech was everything I needed to redeem my frustrations of this season's April storyline.

Saw that naming of Baby Zeke a mile away and Christina has gone off the deep if she's outraged at Jasmine's meddling and knocking on their door when that's all she's done in the series of the show.

As the one who ALWAYS meddles in EVERYTHING and goes to everyone's house to ask for second changes and yet shes' outraged by Jasmine? That was my biggest laugh of the night.

I think "Away We Go" was the worst attempt at any of this and I still don't get the point of the story.

I've shed some tears during past episodes, but dammit this was a fountain of emotion for Ron. Not ready to say goodbye just yet after all.

Realized I actually drank one of those a few hours ago so maybe that's why I'm a wreck?

There needs to be more about Cookie learning what everything is. She was locked up for 17 years and essentially missed an entire era of technology and speaking and even cars.

“Summer Of 4 Ft. 2,” is my favorite episode of the series!

Just went on Amazon just an hour ago to see what is going on with this show. Nice to see it's being picked up. I voted for Mozart in the Jungle and still have to check out the full 10 now that they're up.

That Happy Endings episode is the best of the series and the reason I started watching the show.

This episode kind of warped my opinion of April. I realize now that she rose in the department because people like Leslie and Chris thought it would motivate her and make her want to stay. Now, she's just totally offput by actually having to put in the apprenticeship to get a job.

Back away, not today, Disco Lay-dee.

"There's no kitchen, which seems about normal"

Saw this movie at SXSW, his performance was commendable, despite a mess of a movie. I hope he's granted recognition for it at one award show at least.

Ah, I always took the googly eyes as a sign of romantic interest.

I'm confused as to where PB's interest in Finn suddenly got rehashed. Did I miss several episodes or something? She's been focused on nothing but shutting people down in most of her episodes.

I always cried when Present died. He was the one piece of cheerfulness, aside from Tiny Tim, as everyone was so downtrodden.

what in the fuh >.<

Welp, came in here to mention how the Ghost of Christmas Past haunts my dreams and then I see you go and magnify it and now I'll never sleep again.