Lady Heartcore

Favorite scene!

I always preferred two Marleys to the one.

My sister announced this to me from a different room and she called out "Rob Kardashian" instead of Robert which pretty much changed the game for me.

Great reminder of how terrible this year was. Looking forward to at least 50% of those tv to movie and movie to tv shows getting cancelled in the coming year.

All of John Wick, but I particularly like Viggo's telling of his backstory while Wick breaks open his floor.

Just BE arrested man.

no backstory for Mrs. Peacock
no basketball pregnancies

Unrelated, isn't Bolin their best weapon aka can't he just lava bend the megasuit into a puddle?

Biggest complaint was how minimalist the animation was for this episode. Possibly due to time constraints and budget issues, but everything looked different and very basic.

This has always been my favorite Christmas song and the tone was always right because I think there usually some melancholy that goes along with the Holiday.

I try to watch TCM every Sunday morning. They were on a Maltese Falcon marathon for awhile there.

yep, you guys nailed it: Drunk History (Always a perfect Summer treat), Parks and Rec, The Flash, Legend of Korra, and Silicon Valley were my favorites as well.

Truth be told, I think I only woke up my parents early 1 time in my youth (I was never a morning person) and I think moment inspired me. Normally my parents were always awake before I was on Christmas (eating the cookies, no doubt)

In the time between the deaths of Opie and Tara, Jax's vision of leaving and taking care of his family turned to redemption and an absurd amount of crime that he would never be able to come back from. The real tragedy was how undeserving he felt of being a father and getting that happy ending….and that was even

First off, absolutely loved the 1 on 1 Father and Father-figure moments in the episode, some of the best of the series so far. As for Barry and Iris, I simply do not care about their relationship. In these 9 episodes I still find Iris to be forced and annoying. Iris and Eddie deserve each other because they're both

Barry has more chemistry with Felicity than with any of them.

Mindy's outfit reminded me of the Christmas barbies from the 90s aka perfect. Also, I'm happy Mindy actually laid it down about wanting to go to Stanford and it didn't end with an unnecessary proposal. Looking forward to some Danny visits to Stanford and absolutely loathing it.

Episode was an A for quotes, but a C for post-9/11 airport logic. Too many things to ignore in terms of how airports operate and since when does this Jess and Coach have $$$$ to fly to Hawaii/England and potentially cancel those flights. Tell me more about their teacher's salary….

By far my biggest issue with this episode — you can't take the Christmas in the Airport plot and not update it to fit the current state of flying/airports post 9/11. I believe it's a VERY hefty fine to leave a plane.

Garfield's Halloween and Christmas specials will always remain my favorite from childhood. Grandma getting the letters still gives me all of the same feelings. Well done you cranky cat.