Lady Heartcore

B+ for the season and this episode, can't wait to see what Season 2 brings. HBO has nailed it for me this year with this and True Detective.

How bout Sansa oozing Maleficent at the end there.

Even with it's ups and downs as a show, and I completely agree with the last lines in the piece about Glee, I still feel broken up about Corey Monteith's passing, which is always worsened with the random flashbacks of him they've been throwing in.

Oh, I agree and I get it, different times—the world is moving to tablets and phones for streaming everything. Ah well.

Really happy that this project was so successful, but secretly/not so secretly bummed that this isn't going to be a 30 minute TV that's then broken up into segments in an app. Aka so I have something to watch during those nights of insomnia.

At a weird time in my life where that advice just put things into perspective. Dammit Bill, every time.

If I see Sebastian Monroe on any other show I'll just get depressed. Can't they just write the entire cast a new series to star in? Maybe something completely different.

I was ready to ride this train until the wheels fell off, which I guess they were just cut out from under the fan bandwagon. Wish that SYFY would pick this show up. Sigh.

Very excited to re-live these again as it's been an absurd amount of years since the days they were airing it in the mornings before school. So far two episode in, I forgot how much Usagi and I have in common as her 3 favorite things are: crying, sleeping, and eating.

Agreed completely, it almost overshadows his other traits.

Ooo, I like the idea of Bran or Jon warging into the Dragons to control them….though can you warg an animal other than your direwolf?

I'm wondering if they'll have Theon do it?

The greatness of Oberyn on the show makes me all the more depressed about the Trial by Combat. I wonder if they'll make us see what happens or just let the audience hear it.

The first movie led to many nightmares about Dinosaurs roaming the streets and killing people. Lost World did not help in the slightest.

The only excuse that I can think of regarding Danny not knowing which way to the ESB was because he was startled by the entourage. I've walked out of restaurants plenty of times and started walking the completely wrong way in the city.

Made me immmediately re-watch their Grumpy Old Man, SI Accent-Off from last week.

RIGHT? The entire episode felt like there was no script, only plot points to hit.

A boy and his direwolf reunited. And yet, not wargnited.

We all think you're an idiot for dating this 14 year old.