Lady Heartcore

Wasn't he the Ser Pounce that was Promised?

Isn't the red comet going to land and destroy all of Westeros?

The more I think about the absurdity of the entire mutineers scene with The Great Bear's skull and basically all of Olenna's speech, the more I realize how much I hated this episode Ser Pounce and Bran's warging/Ghost sighting were the only saviors.

Oddly enough that was the first time my family and I sat down and watched a new Simpson's episode in the last 10 years.

Was hoping there would be a Loras vs Brienne confrontation and she'd stick around with Jaime until episode 5 or 6. Ah well…let the Brienne and Podrick adventures begin!

I KNEW something sketchy was going on with Ghost. Still annoyed by his change.

I was looking forward to Pod pretty much hiding behind trees and Where's Waldoing it for an episode.

Wasn't he in the crowd for 5,000 candles in the wind?

Yes. Mark remains one of my favorite characters (unpopular opinion). I loved how he was a seemingly normal human implanted in Pawnee. How funny, yet admittedly awkward he was with Ann. How he was a soundboard for Leslie, yet didn't have the freakouts that Ben did.

*Silently weeps*
I'll always remember you fondly, Mark. His final goodbye with Leslie on the bench still resonates with me.

"I want more of the core 4 Braverman's interacting" - I whispered to myself the night before each episode. I think this season made the best use of it so far.

- Ben Wyatt

And they never say Goodbye :(

All of Andy Dwyer's failed band names before MouseRat including:

Also, I feel like Crosby was speaking for me when he was yelling in defense of the house, even if he was out of line.

My goodness that awkward family pre-baptism party was pretty much a line for line of my family holiday dinners—-except my mom has 5 other siblings and in-laws to argue instead of just 3.

Good Riddance Rebels, I will never get those 30 minutes of my precious time back.

Didn't see this comment before but yes, definitely need some recognition for the Art Director and Set Design because there were so many little nuances and details that were dreamed up and came alive. It would take many rewatches to even grasp what was happening in that house or Carcosa.

That's basically True Detective 101 right there.

I think the Art Directors and Set Design team deserve some major credit here for the finale. The details of Errol's house and all it's clutter, not to mention all of Carcosa, needed to be dreamed up and put together by the crew and that looked like a pretty damn daunting task.