Lady Heartcore

But he had so little to work with!

Marcy on the floor after the call took me so off guard in the best way possible. It's the little things with this show.

Like an ostrich.

In discussing the "who's going to die theories", what if it's Stiles, but in the sense that he dies and is brought back via supernatural forces/what we know of the old Stiles is dead.

But if you're going with the non-aging then she wouldn't be able to speak properly either.

Well, this was certainly another creeptastic episode that reminds me that I shouldn't watch this show in the dark.

Are we also still exploring Deputy Green Eyes as Baby Isaac's brother because Tumblr seems to be having a field day with it….and yet on Wolf Watch they seemed to dis-spell it by having a question on what his brother's real name was.

I was unsure why they are jumping to the "make him a werewolf" conclusion when it sounds to me like the the Nogitsune just needs a new Host…which could be anyone.

What a wonderfully written prose on the current state of Glee.

Pouring one out.

Another great episode, another creepy ending, and every episode is absolutely stunning. I dub it—"Landscape porn".

I think the fact that she was a bitch was pretty evident from watching her interact with people on any show she was on before her talk show.

I plan on tackling both. Undeclared is mostly for Charlie Hunnam.

Nice to see Undeclared on here. Was planning on taking that on soon along with The Black Donnellys.

Cannot stop laughing at the Walter White call. Will never look at the ending of this episode the same again.

This episode really hit it out of the park with how beautiful the shots were. That alone makes me want to give it a re-watch.

Can we talk about Scott's/any of the wolves selective hearing? Scott heard Kira in trouble from who knows what side of the school in the second episode, plus Stiles talking low down the hall. He also heard Jackson whispering in a crowded cafeteria. Yet Scott couldn't hear Lydia calling him at the club. And none of

Also in my group: Smoldering Uncle (Peter)

But, I mean, they WERE eating sushi AND pizza. Dammit Father McCall.
Is it Father McCall? Where are you guys with the fathers nicknames?
In my circle it's Papa Argent and Papa Stiles (Stilinski)

So Kira essentially a Firefox?