Lady Heartcore

Sorry, creator of Girls who gets very bent out of shape when not everyone likes your show :/

I refuse to watch GIRLS but I imagine all of this went down like Musical Practice in HS where several groups of theater-struck teens would break out into a song from RENT before and after practice every day.

When the heck are we getting a trailer for this?

A- Episode for me. More laughs than the last two episodes and Ben stood his ground. Good for Ben.

What's happening now? Is the nurse upset? I don't care.

I was happy they finally incorporated some Sarah/Julia time. You never really get to seem them have one on one stuff and it was nice to get that perspective, as when Julia went to Adam and then he put the duties on to Crosby.

I meant the hookers in Brazil.

Didn't Shia play the entire fall out exactly like an Onion story anyway. Seems fitting.

:rolls up sleeves:
:adjusts suspenders confidently:
:lights up corn cob pipe:

Yushi Jon Snow!

Not that this show is anywhere near on the same level, but this episode gave me that "Song of Ice and Fire: Clash of Kings everyone's on an adventure and are they ever going to get back together in the same place" kind of vibe.

I'm pretty sure Jedediah is well equipped with a Sickle. Also, that's what Amish Mafia is for, helllooooo.

He needs to stop hanging around people who are acting like his friends but really just using him for his money and opportunity. Those are the same exact friends that instill that "You can't listen to nobody man, fuck the haters!" type of mentality that encourages anarchy and shit behavior and when other people try to

I loved the casting for Connor. I had walked by the TV when his first appearance aired and had to do a double take because I thought it was Dark Version Monroe.

It's weird to see how disoriented and ruthless society has become. We can only assume it's because of how dependent on technology and spoiled everyone became.


Hopefully they've caught on that Morgan/Peter duo is the second most interesting part of the show after the best couple that isn't a couple yet—Mindy and Danny.

Nick Miller has carried this show on his damn back this season. Or like a special memento coin in his pocket, whatever.

The entire cake building between Coach and Wins—-or should I said BIIIIIISH—was perfect in all of the little nuances and ad libs.
Schmidt's CGI sequence was on point. Also, I finally enjoyed Schmidt again—-probably for the first time since the Halloween episode.

I always love Mary, but I really loved her in this episode. She was honest and sad and strong and said what needed to be said. She can't just forget Matthew after six months, especially since it took them 6 years+ to get together. I felt myself saying several times, "Stop it Gillingham. Stop." Even on top of that