Lady Heartcore

I felt his voice was very Broadway. Sad that was passed off as "terrible". He should have just jumped into "A Whole New World"

She laid one giant Coup Smackdown Extravaganza.
Don't mess with best. Episode MVP.

The impending loss of the arm is set up so nicely that I doubt the youths (YOUTHS!!!) even appreciate it.

Best surprise of the episode was seeing an old friend from high school as the engaged girl in the jewelry store. Go Ashley go!

"I don't want it to go away." - Betty Parker

"F+" - AV Club

I really like the casting of Connor. But I guess this means that the brief sexual tension buddying up of Charlie and Bass is put to bed. RIP.

“It’s like Donald Trump threw up on Scarface,” Monroe muses to the blank stare of Connor, who’s clearly never heard of either."

Remember when this movie was just a potential screenwriting pitch in Blake Snyder's book, "Save the Cat"?

Bradley Cooper being Bradley Cooper in American Hustle. I just don't understand this nom. It's even a stretch for Jennifer Lawrence to be nominated.

I was actually being modest…"Devastated" would be the proper word I would use to describe seeing the Beast in human form. Still can't accept it: http://images2.fanpop.com/i…

I think The Beast and Gaston look much better than their Disney Counterparts…especially Prince Adam who's human version creeped me out as a kid.

Another episode solidifying this as Nick Miller's MVP season.

I thought the first 7 minutes were great and given this group's track record, I'm not at all surprised that the main thing they equate with LA is Entourage.

I saw him two summers ago at Comic Con and I'm pretty sure that's just what he wears literally all of the time these days.

Well, then I expect someone to invent a machine to turn him in to the Boyle version of Stefan.

FINALLY, someone has called PB out on her crazy. I've grown to dislike her more and more with each episode and it was nice to see someone say something about it. I don't think she's been the same since she almost got overtaken by the Lich.

"….because of my dad—RIP BY THE WAY"

Better than last week, but wasn't a fan of the Schmidt Ageism B-Story. I was however very onboard with Winston's Denzel impression and the almost callback to the fact that he was a cop during last year's Halloween episode.

"I once went on a date with a girl who started crying once she found out I was a Gemini"