Lady Heartcore

Flustered Holt, Truthbomb Boyle, Terry's Wife laying the smackdown, the peanut catching moment….

Right-o. Not that he's "the worst" but towards the bottom on my list of favorites in the cast.

Best, most accurate rebuttal.

He's too upperclass to have heard about good ol' Batsey's dangerous rep because, I mean, we all know he'd knock that guy's head off in 3 seconds flat.

Otherwise known as My Year 2013.

Can't open a jar without falling over. He'll never be First Footman now!

Dammit Molesley, you were SHOVELING COAL DIRT GARBAGE LAST WEEK and now you're too good to wear gloves and serve people! COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS!

Hank coming to his self realization and the Adam/Julia, Adam/Crosby sibling dynamic were my highlights of this episode.

Schmidt kissing that RN on his way out was the perfect touch.

A small part of me wishes that Nick would through in his lawyer knowledge/jargon here and there.

Danny's entire compliment speech was great. Also—-his feet. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIS FEET?!

Hollywood Game Night is simple fun and perfect for whenever shows are on a summer or holiday break. Good games and drunk celebrities.

Gold star for calling "“Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas” what it is…the very best Christmas song ever. (sorry Mariah, though you're Top 3)

Was the "AV Club was wrong about…" referring to a show that was better than you guys thought or worse that you guys said it was? or both?

Great pic actually ha

Glad to see Brooklyn Nine Nine on this list. Started off with funny endings and has evolved to full laughs throughout the show. Glad it's here and hope it will stay. I look forward to Joe Lo Truglio's character quirks every episode.

Face/Off is one of the best competition shows that no one is watching.

Worst season of Princess Bubblegum, but Season 4 and 5 have produced some of the best of the series and the Simon and Marcy history have been one of the greatest reveals of the series…I never thought the show could make me cry and it did on more than one occasion.

Surprised Gravity didn't make the list and I thought many disliked The Counselor?

Correct. Looking forward to some Viet Jesus prayerage.