Lady Heartcore

First 30 minutes or so are perfect. Underrated scene: Jonah Hill dissecting the photos his parents still keep of him on the wall.

Yeah but will we ever see Korean Jesus again?!

Should have kept Riggle and Franco as a surprise.

Agreed on the ending scene of Captain Phillips. The movie was fairly good but nothing had hit me quite like when he started breaking down in complete shock.

If it's not, then I'm passing on it.

I think I lost all love for Juice once he became the only current member vindictive towards Tara. Even Tig wasn't really up for killing her (his mind is totally on his dog always)

I tried to upvote this 6x but there are limits on appreciation around here.

The New Sinister 6.

Series Finale Predictions (and Death Pool should start now)

The scene with Gemma/Unser/Wendy was TERRIBLY paced—-several uncomfortable pauses where I felt like shouting, "Can someone just say their line already, what is happening?"

But even with the promos of Gemma, Clay, and Tara's photos blowing up as a foreshadowing for the season, and the white dove, and the Rains of Castamere silently playing as Gemma took Unser's keys and high tailed it over to Jax's house, I'm still incredibly sad and devastated.


"Kevin" in the window at :50 just ruined my life in the best way.

I went to the Exhibit in NYC and STILL didn't even catch this! Damn dramatic historical sensationalism!

Cartman popping up in anime form for his letter killed me…and the Peanuts Christmas was the perfect touch at the end.

"American Tuff"

Not the only song on the album…and not even close to the best one.

Since it's the Sinister 6, Spiderman owes no explanation for villain count. Do your homework.

"Put Hitchcock behind the tree" killed me…which was an even better solution than putting his head on the angel baby.

They need to start making some of these characters into plush toys…and include a line of plushies from the Christmas Sweater episode. JUST TAKE ALL MY MONEY CARTOON NETWORK.