Lady Heartcore

What kills me is that they had this huge sitdown a year or two ago where this whole plan she's carrying out was originally an idea that Jax came up with including saying that if he were his dad he'd run Gemma's ass over to get him and his brother safely out of there. FORESHADOWING MANG.

She wants to D.

"The idea that anyone would try and raise children in such an environment
is hideous, and Tara’s desire to get out is a relatable, even noble,
goal. She still loves Jax, and she still has friends in the Sons, but
she’s willing to sacrifice all of that if it means raising her children
in a world without all this death."

Because PB is conniving and self-serving to her own strange needs? Her behavior has never been as questionable as it has this season.

My favorite side detail…actually this entire episode was full of little bits that had me wondering if anyone under the age of 16 even gets what's going on.

+10 for CJ Wilson's guest appearance. Most beautiful guest at the wedding.

Unrelated/Related: Literally me twice a week

Very proud of all the guys for thinking ahead enough to all wear leggings…except for Nick who probably forgot to wear any because he's a true american wilderness man.

I think this was Coach's best episode so far.

I missed this and yet it is not my favorite part of the episode.

So PB is essentially part evil right? She frequently tortures and does jacked up junk to her people just in the name of science.

I got the impression that the entire trip was a science experiment and she had planned to sabotage it from the beginning…


He hasn't aged in the last 5 years and it upsets me.

Second album is the smick smack. All dancy-fun pop songs.

Quite the decolletage for a suffregate!

Their last album was much better. I mean…wat…

I was definitely hoping for some Lion Turtle interference but then Korra just went into the magic tree.

But why did he always have such a chip on his shoulder and was power hungry? At least in the first season we saw how the father turned his sons into what they were. Where did Unalaq get the crazy from?

Upvote for serious lack of villain personal depth from the last two "seasons/chapters/books"