
The combat is a lot easier to get the hang of, but it's still a Ubisoft game, which means signs and feedback trump fun and innovation. Chivalry is unwieldy as hell, but it's also a hell of a lot more frenetic and fun to play.

13 hate*comments*. We'll never know how many hateclicks.

Everyone who came here to leave a comment about how much 'Great Job Internet' sucks should realize that the sheer amount of hateclicks this feature must get more than justifies its continuation.

Yep, that's the marker of self-parody right there: Giving a ridiculously elaborate and well-choreographed musical number about how awesome, terrifying, and near-invincible you are a standing ovation while dressed in a tuxedo.

Sarcastic and blasé comments aside, it's always really cool watching blacksmiths blacksmith stuff. Even if it's nerd stuff.