
Obviously. I guess I just wanted to hear Adam Scott say "Sheeeeeeeeeeet."

P&R is season 3 of The Wire
Hear me out on this: despite the obvious differences, I think P&R has blossomed into a show that's really about how one town actually functions. If The Wire took place in small-town Indiana, was a comedy instead of a heavy drama, was about bureaucrats in a marginalized government department

Groove is in the heart!
I remember when this group was called Dee-Lite. Also, I remember the Peace of Westphalia. Clearly, I'm old.

It's perfectly simple, really. You just put the monkey in the washing machine, add detergent, and choose which cycle. No bleach, though: bleaching a monkey will just make it mad.

Lisbet Salander is the goth Dora the Explorer
'nuff said.

Or Leviathan. Of course, the game would be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short, so it probably wouldn't sell very well. What about a FPS based on Crime and Punishment? That would be awesome! Or dull.

Better than The Godfather
At least according to the prissy intellectuals over at the New York Review of Books:

A thought experiment: best thing ever to happen to NBC?
Before the mudslinging begins, let's state some facts: 1) Of course Conan is superior; any sentient being knows that. 2) NBC can't program to save their lives. 3) Leno is a dick, and NBC's siding with him over Conan shows he's in good company at the network. With

Shouldn't The Spirit Archives be included in the Archives section?

Lemon out!
I bet Nabin feels like a sucker for choosing/getting assigned to write about 30 Rock this year. At least the rest of us can choose not to watch. Damn it, the fourth season is often one of the best of many shows; it's a bit too early for 30 Rock to descend into mediocrity. At this point, I'd rather watch

I was starting to think there was something wrong with me, having been the only one I know who has complained about the decline of 30 Rock since the writers' strike. I think Todd hit the nail on the head with this post: I remember watching the first few episodes after the strike with a curious mix of giddy dread and

Really, it's not "Piggy in the Middle" by The Rutles? I'm shocked! Shocked!

If you're going to add a show…
…this has got to be pretty low on the list. I myself have a soft spot for "Castle," for obvious, Captain Hammer-related reasons.

If that adage is true, why do people keep giving Francis Ford Coppola money to make movies? He only makes good films when he's swimming in blow.

Mmmm … Sean Young
So Kanye West is a replicant? That still doesn't explain why anyone cares.

Just to add
The scene where we see Barrett actually go insane, with an indoor thunderstorm soaking him in the corridor: it's not as poignant as the scene above, but it's actually kind of beautiful, because it's so perfectly realized.

Steven has been grumbling that there isn't enough mythology in the first episodes of this season. While I think most of us like those episodes better, I also think he's overlooking what a consistently entertaining hour of TV even the straight MOTW episodes are. After the season premiere, I realized how much

Scott is absolutely right to contrast this with Coppola and Scorcese: there's a scene in an abandoned bathhouse where the two wannabe hoodlums play at being Tony Montana, and their utter doomed hopelessness and the dinginess of the setting (which really is a main character in itself) is a complete negation of

It's a play on the name of the Naples mafia, the Camorra.

Emmanuelle Seigner vs. Rebecca Pidgeon
Which "actress" getting major film roles solely by being married to the director is worst? Discuss.