
50,000 people used to live here. Now it's a ghost town.

Yikes. I wondered what kind of following they want to get. It's wedged in between BBT and Conan, so maybe people who leave their TVs on?

Yikes. I wondered what kind of following they want to get. It's wedged in between BBT and Conan, so maybe people who leave their TVs on?

I can't believe there are only 3 episodes left in this season. There's only BB to look forward to in the summer as far as dramas go and that will be gone in 2/3rds the time of this.

Go On also sounds like a rework of The Bob Newhart Show from the 70s. I was going to make a joke about NBC doing Taxi with airplanes, but then remembered that was Wings.


I think I was eight when Martin Short's Clifford came out and I saw it. It wasn't until college that I revisited it and realized it wasn't a warped adaptation of the children books.

I'm a little sad his hair looks so conservative in that photo.


Tyler Perry?

Nice job on spotting that, but I think he also has Idiocracy to answer for. In both he beats you over the head with satire to the point where it's not very amusing and feels like pandering.

Well it's not Thor: Hammer of the Gods (with Zachery Ty Bryan).

I hadn't tuned in this season at all after finding most of last season unwatchable by its own standards, but this is a nifty review, because it tells me pretty much what I expected without giving away any plot points, not like they mattered much anyway in the broader scope of things, even the serialized aspects.

I'd love to be in a world where DVD sales outweighed syndication potential and network shows were on for only 13 episodes at a time and then something else took its place for the second part of the year (holy hell Parks and Rec was unbelievably great last year). Those 13 episodes were like the White Album of a sitcom

My bad- put a P&R comment in a Community thread.

Man those flights from DC are short. This show has really boned itself with the '1 day per episode' framing, because any sense starts to fall apart when you think of anyone having the strength to resume campaigning six days after they've been shot and paralyzed. Or you know, anything else anyone does. This show's

I'm just surprised the show had the restraint to not give Roger the chance open up his wallet and peel off a couple hundred to pay off Sally.

Obligatory jab at Girls.