
I was expecting a 6-minute trailer, given the movie's likely running time.

Most of those were meant to be depressing, which makes the difference. Annie's life just made me sadder than the filmmakers might have intended. I don't think Lost in Translation's much of a comedy.

Bridesmaids was one of the most depressing comedies released in the past decade.

If there's an image that's my favorite from this season, it's of Mallory being too small for her space suit.

Wow, I didn't know people did sitcoms as paid programs. That first clip had a real public access vibe and I love public access TV.

Tickets are already expensive (~$12 in LA). I don't think I should pay a premium to get what I already am supposed to be getting, but more power to the drafthouse and arc light for doing what they're doing.

Well at least Heigl's free now to come back to her (sort of) home network.

In some ways, this review felt like it picked on kind of an easy target. Should have done Baseketball instead, as I feel Rabin would have sounded less angry.

Who played Albright in the video? I thought I recognized her from somewhere else.

The Justified walkthroughs were the same way; most of the comments are on the first entry and the subsequent entries had less. I haven't read the other ones yet, because I haven't watched those shows.

There were a small number of survivors; one of the employees at my university was born in a concentration camp towards the very end of the war, so it definitely was possible. Also why Peggy may have been so surprised by the revelation when she phoned Abe.

At the pace this show doles out information, I think we'll get the backstory in season 5.

Re: #2- who the hell designs a police station so the interrogation room is out in the open and has a window that lets people conveniently see inside?

Funny like The Killing or legitimately funny?

I rewatched season 2 this past week and was surprised by how little Mags was in the first half of the season, and even then, her presence in the second half is not as much as I remember— kind of how Anthony Hopkins hangs over the entirety of Silence of the Lambs.

"Homeland" by Nicholas Sparks.

Hudson, the only university in Manhattan.

They might as well make a Terriers movie if they're going to spend money on a feature about a beachside PI with a criminal sidekick and cop best friend.

Hey, I still know her as Lund.

"The Killing"- Ruining your ability to enjoy unrelated, better shows.