Coach Mickey

And seeing Don engaged in a compromising position with that women who wears smelly perfume gave her the equivalent of a girl teen angst hormonal steroid shot. But this one likely won't cycle off any time soon.

That's right, because it is those blood thirsty right wingers that got us into that mess over there.

I"m almost 100% positive Jacob Guenther emigrated from Chula Vista

It depends on what the partnership agreement says.  Recall that they were able to "buy out" Lane by simply returning his capital contribution, which royally (sorry) pissed of the lovely and gracious Mrs. Price.

This is why I come here to hang out and can't leave.
I forget the three items I'm supposed  to pick up at the grocery store 5 minutes after my wife tells me, but upon reading those two words, I have instant recollection of George running out of the bathroom with his pants around his ankles pleading with Kramer in that

I didn't take the reference to Detroit as being critical of the Motor City, he was simply saying that once you get over the "fantasy" of life in LA, it is in many respects just like living in any other city.  If SCP's latest and greatest client was, say, Goodyear, he would have used Akron.

I heard he dies in the end.

Or, if he has nothing better to do, go back and re review every single episode in light of what has transpired in all 65 episodes.  Now wouldn't that be tons of fun.

Or, if he has nothing better to do, go back and re review every single episode in light of what has transpired in all 65 episodes.  Now wouldn't that be tons of fun.

Agree.  This episode felt more like an epilogue than a final chapter.

Agree.  This episode felt more like an epilogue than a final chapter.

I was watching live, sans DVR, so couldn't rewind.  Did anyone at first think the blonde at the bar in last scene was the acting "friend" of Megan's that wanted her to lobby Don for an audition?  I guess that would be a bit coincidental, unless of course it was payback time and blondie was stalking Don.

I was watching live, sans DVR, so couldn't rewind.  Did anyone at first think the blonde at the bar in last scene was the acting "friend" of Megan's that wanted her to lobby Don for an audition?  I guess that would be a bit coincidental, unless of course it was payback time and blondie was stalking Don.

Or would Weiner Jr have achieved so much in his acting career if he wasn't Matt's son?  Seriously, the parallels between Don's battle with the nepotism issue in Mad Men life and seeing it on such blatant display here in real life are unintended I'm sure.  On the other hand, maybe not. 

Or would Weiner Jr have achieved so much in his acting career if he wasn't Matt's son?  Seriously, the parallels between Don's battle with the nepotism issue in Mad Men life and seeing it on such blatant display here in real life are unintended I'm sure.  On the other hand, maybe not. 

Of course, but advertisers only get skittish when viewers do.  One in the same, really.

The BLEEP will really hit the fan when Don finds out about the conversation that precipitated Megan's big career decision.  Once a daddy's girl, always a daddy's girl.  Please, please, please, Mr Weiner, let us all see Dr. Papa be the one to tell Don who really controls Megan's dials.

The FCC currently has no jurisdiction over cable content, just the broadcast networks.  The cable nets "behave" so as to not offend certain demographics and to avoid residual ill will in the event the FCC regulatory landscape changes.

I don't think that moment was easy to miss.  Who knows whether or not future episodes will play off of that revelation, as MM is nothing if not unpredictable. But, SCDP is getting new business and it strains credulity to think that his op ed will have that much of a shelf life in terms of being a road block to their

My favorite aspect of Roger's humor.  He doesn't need to explain it since he is his primary audience.