Like a 6 Foot Turkey

Just so I'm clear - this makes it, what, 36 episodes that Kalinda and Alicia have not shared a scene? Who's keeping count? Help me out.
It's Archie's final season. For the love of God give us Kalinda/Alicia BFF reconciliation already, Kings!

You should pause it on the scene where Alex's boss shows up at her party. She has a huge book shelf and there are quite a few notable novels on there. Nerd yourself out. :-)

I thought so too. I thought her acting was superb. I agree with the others though, Manning's role is a bit of a caricature. I get that we need to have villains for conflict but they don't have to be blatant stereotypes. No other character is so one-dimensional and over the top.

Don't forget Healy mentions that Crazy Eyes had to be "removed from the puppy program".

The depiction of Piper's downward spiral was really well-crafted. You could feel that tension rising in her with each shitty thing that kept happening (whether brought on by her own actions or not). That final episode was so ominous and Schilling's eyes so appropriately deadened. We knew she would snap but I never

Me too. Jenji's interviews have made me a little nervous. She talks about wanting to do the show for 10 years if they let her and all the other roads they could take during the show. I really hope she doesn't drive this revelation of a show into the ground like Weeds. If I could change one thing about Jenji, it would

Alex's prison reading list:

Ok thanks. Glad to know I'm not completely losing my mind.

I have been trying to wrap my head around the timeline of everything because I'm OCD like that. I thought I had it figured out but re-watched episode 3 (in the scene where Piper confronts Alex about ratting her out to the feds) and Piper says to Alex "Why did you do it? You hadn't seen me in 5 years". I thought it was

No kidding. It's already hard for me to get past just how bad the tattoos are. I mean the line work on the shaker is so bad. Ugh. 
I think kellyfantastic's theory is probably the most likely explanation. 
I noticed another tattoo on her left wrist that I hadn't seen before. It almost looks like a name with flowers. It's

Ok cool. Good to know I wasn't the only one that couldn't read that scene at first. It looks like we interpreted it the same way. I'm really interested to see how the first episode of season 2 goes. I think it would be a nice shift to have a new triangle develop between Alex, Nicky and Piper. That should make for some

Season Finale Question:

I totally see your point. I am not one of the people that crucifies Piper and absolves Alex of all misdeeds. However, I think out of the two Piper is more damaging due to her weakness and inability to make a decision. I think this is purely because she is coming to terms with who she is, her sexuality, and what that

Best. Username. Ever.

So true. That is one of my favorite parts of this show. Generally, the same-gender relationship is portrayed as less important and fleeting. While I know from reading the memoir that Piper ends up with Larry I still don't know what's going to happen in the show. I'm glad they took such drastic departures from the

That's an interesting take. I myself don't see Alex as manipulative at all. I think she named Piper purely out of spite for Piper stomping on her heart the way she did. I didn't think Alex intended for it to bring them together. Just by naming Piper that was no guarantee Piper would get jail time AND get jail time in

I just re-watched episode 9 (Fucksgiving). Emmys be damned if Taylor Schilling doesn't win one for that performance. That scene with her in SHU telling Healy "You don't GET ME, ever!" should be her submission. It gives me goosebumps every time. She's really not afraid to get raw.  
A close 2nd for her submission would

Ok. You've convinced me. It would be interesting to see Nicky and Piper develop a competitive relationship now that Nicky and Alex are…exchanging gifts. The tension could make for some funny scenes.

I know! I'm very intrigued. I imagine there will be more flashbacks for him. Though, be better if left unexplored. Showing us some cheesy scene of him getting rejected by a lesbian in his younger life or something will just be annoying. I hope that anything they try to show us to justify it won't just be a cliche.

I agree! It wouldn't have been SO bad if they didn't put that stupid music behind her. It was very CBS sitcom-y