um…what happened to the reviews? is Sims ok? no one s died? or is it that thanksgiving thingy? He said it was his fav season and it hasn't started yet….
um…what happened to the reviews? is Sims ok? no one s died? or is it that thanksgiving thingy? He said it was his fav season and it hasn't started yet….
please report to a doctor immediately…Cumberbatchitis is bad man…
kiss my egg
laughed so hard at this :)
Soooo Good :) :) :)
i love this review…phil is the bomb…
reading this book now…so hard not to compare it to Stephen King…it's like mistaking the voice of someone's son on the phone and then they say something totally unique to them… jarringly…
Walking Dead wayyyy better…that's like comparing soup to a main course meal…(kinda hungry)…a weak soup that may as be just coloured tapwater. American Horror Story was bad…but awesome bad…this is just lame bad…
an army of juniors…oh my…all as stupid as the original…
Barbie should have asked what the Log told the Log Lady about Big Jim…I'm sure the log has something to say about that
love the cutting-juniors-hand-off idea. i wonder if she would need to embalm it…
"Wrapped in Plassstic" girl from Twin Peaks is the best corpse on a shore…
my bad seems i deleted all memory of the book. according to wiki there is something similar. meh
uh…i got the reference. i m saying the whole invisible baby dome doesn't exist in the book as far as i recall. so the whole concept seems to not be book related at all.
I read the book ages ago…this is so not what happens in the book. Or am I remembering it wrong? "Hands of the Monarch"??? seriously?
no angie this episode? (haven't seen it yet)
I so would watch that…sigh.
Seriously? Terminator? How many times can one change one's past?
Yeah I liked it. It wasn't too heavy handed. It reminded me off his short stories and novellas…
liked for "bow ties are cool"
and I always feel educated after reading the Gilmore Girls in Colour.