The Last American Virgin

Sublime was just one of those bands that didn't age well. Not just because the dude died and the dead do not improve. Not really worthy of the contempt. It's like hating the Cherry Poppin' Daddies because people liked them for a week in 1992.

This was my least favorite. Very "Garden State" with the whole trade up. Just couldn't believe Paper Boi would care that much about an internet troll, didn't seem like his character at all. Even Darius seem like a caricature with the whole "we're friends now" line. Do we need to hear that? We know these guys can be

Never read the graphic novels, but I'm assuming Lori is actually dead. But if so, the penultimate episode was directed horribly and the set up with Carol learning how to perform a c-section was a terrible red herring. Especially if you're going to have that character go missing when another character is bleeding out

Never read the graphic novels, but I'm assuming Lori is actually dead. But if so, the penultimate episode was directed horribly and the set up with Carol learning how to perform a c-section was a terrible red herring. Especially if you're going to have that character go missing when another character is bleeding out

Call me sentimental but I love the Straight Story. And Clerks was a pretty important film when it came up. Does it hold up? Probably not.

Call me sentimental but I love the Straight Story. And Clerks was a pretty important film when it came up. Does it hold up? Probably not.

I started something I couldn't finish. Only watched the first couple minutes, but I thought Moz just played the straight man like every other guest on Colbert's show. Although it was a little ambiguous if he was straight or not. Oops. No "ambiguous." "Obvious" I meant "obvious."

I started something I couldn't finish. Only watched the first couple minutes, but I thought Moz just played the straight man like every other guest on Colbert's show. Although it was a little ambiguous if he was straight or not. Oops. No "ambiguous." "Obvious" I meant "obvious."

I thought his scene in Pauly Shore is Dead was the only thing funny about the whole movie.

<—— I was all like this when I heard Ratner was remaking me.

Anyone who loves movies needs to see this film. Way, way ahead of its time. Every pseudo-documentary from Waiting for Guffman to Blair Witch to District 9 should pay royalties.

Pink Film
Many of the shots of the man look like they were stolen from The Embryo Hunts in Secret… looks like this one has a little more boobs and heart.

New Podcast for the AV Club…
Actors ridiculously committed to a role in a ridiculous film. Discuss…

Modern Love
Usually, I say the more exploitation of teenagers the better, but it's strange that the only show on TV that makes me feel a little gross is Modern Family. The "stupid, whore" daughter (who looks like she's about fourteen) is constantly used as a visual nymphet punchline that never actually makes you

Cheese and Rice…
Can critics stop talking about how devastating films like Blue Valentine and Black Swan are? Yes, they're two of the best films of the year. Blue Valentine's isn't completely depressing; most people would be so lucky to love and be loved with the same passion. And Black Swan is pretty crazy, but it's

Straight Up G
It's great that David Lynch directed a Rated G film, but the Straight Story would have been so much better if Richard Farnsworth brutally raped and murdered everyone he meet along his journey like a Trash Humper.

Funny… I always said people with large foreheads had Dawson Syndrome, but that kept offended people with Down Syndrome so I stopped. By the way, the Dawson crying face is my favorite jpeg ever… sorry, not enough conversations dip into Dawson Creek references around here.

Loved Blue Valentine… but there was something very strange about a balding poor man's version of Ryan Gosling casting the more attractive version of himself to play a less attractive version himself—

Film School Nonsense…
It's like the director ate as many Hanake references as he could and regurgitated them onto the screen without digesting them. This is not even a Hanake cover album, this is Hanake karaoke.

I just meant the stuff the curmudgeon is making these days is irrelevant… I think there's a more graceful way for the old man to deflect a stupid US Weekly question instead of saying Kanye is just a "rapper." The guy is way more than that. Saying he's just a "rapper" is like saying Michael Jackson was just a "dancer"