

Yeah, German Shepherds can have really bad hips. Make sure you walk her regularly, and lots of treats!

Or, it's an indictment of those things. That's one of the great things about it… people project upon it any number of their own viewpoints. You see a scummy macho fantasy because that's what you want to see.

Yes, that explains Christianity if you are an incredibly literal, somewhat stupid child.

I read all 10 of those books, and no… there are no funny bits in the middle. Or anywhere. They are a black hole of horribleness.

Eh, just start at the beginning. You're gonna want to read them all anyway.

Moore has good ideas and good stories, and terrible endings. That guy cannot end a book to save his life.

So, you guys don't like strip clubs because you're fighting the strip club. If you want any chance of liking it, you have to embrace it. Otherwise, you're just sitting there being grumpy, and no one wants that.

Is your defense for Signs "I like shitty movies?"

My ex-girlfriend's uncle produced this. I never met him, but she was pretty crazy.

My ex-girlfriend's uncle produced this. I never met him, but she was pretty crazy.

Gorgeous? What?

Gorgeous? What?

To be fair… Highlander is a great movie because it's a great movie.

I can't understand how Oprah is still a thing. She's a horribly self-absorbed closeted scientologist who regularly hawks ridiculous quack cures and poorly-written books.