
"It has Campbell at his swarthy best"

How annoying! A new book by a good author with a solid track record! I better make a post about it!

I'd actually kind of hoped this might be worth seeing.

It's just crazy words. That's all this is.

It would complete him.

It's like he's right on the cusp of always being on a skateboard. We can all see that he clearly *isn't* on a skateboard, yet it is equally obvious that his essence yearns to be on a skateboard.

"I've never understood the need for mock meats in vegan cooking. you've made a conscious decision not to consume animal flesh or byproducts of any kind, so why would you want to eat something that tries so hard to resemble it?"

My girlfirend and I got the same weird vibe off of her.

I don't think it's a matter of there being no good remakes. I don't think it's a matter of whether or not a remake is "needed." I think it's a matter of a director attempting to adapt a work that he's ill-suited to do anything interesting or new with.

a proposition
If Spielberg attempts to remake Oldboy, Park Chan-wook gets to remake E.T.

"…a stilted and masturbatory work suitable only for college freshmen who haven't figured out that, if everyone did exactly what they wanted all the time, civilization would collapse on itself…"

Yes, that would have been an totally appropriate and fundamentally satisfying climax after the events of the last third of the film.

This looked interesting anyway, but I really can't resist the idea of lobbing smaller, less-intelligent but hard-working allies around a la Pikmin.

This is unreservedly my favorite film.