
@avclub-62812d8eb06386505986efff8b5e43ac:disqus I remember watching that scene and thinking, hey, we're just driving down the road and then out of the corner of the screen comes the flaming car and literally yelling 'oh, shit!' in my living room.  So many scenes in that movie that just drew me in because what I can

Re: Hairline.  Could be worse.  There was a guy on my high school's football team that had a hairline like that with a bald spot on the back.  And he was only a Junior.

At AVC, Dawes reviews you.

*George Lucas knocks on door holding cease and desist letter*

Rico Suave, they ain't.

That's ironic because he played a baby that looked like an old person.

Buses move pretty fast, too.  Do the same so you miss them as well.


To put it mildly.

Works for me!

Yeah, I thought he sold this franchise.  How come he gets to keep screwing around with it?

New Solo doesn't herd nerfs, he eats nerfs.

If profit = virtue, then creating more virtue in yourself would most likely reduce virtue in another.  Sounds awesome.

Ooh, ooh, I want to try this!

They forgot that the free-market can also easily part a fool from his money.

Made me laugh, especially since my dog farted last night around 4 this morning, saturating the entire room and waking me up because of the stench.

Sounds like a roommate I had in grad school.  A lot of the stuff you're talking about like nearly burning the house down forgetting she was cooking and then going to bed. She would also find rabbits and let them roam the house shitting on everything.  She was hot, but after awhile she became not-hot because of all the

Right.  It's been a long time since I heard that song.

… there's a severed head on the ground…

Well, I guess if it was a stunt it worked.  I've never heard of her before and now I have!