The Dis-exists

That should read "Lou Barlow was (Edward Snowden against the US Government)" and not "Lou Barlow was (Edward Snowden) against the US Government."  The US Government being, in this metaphor, Garageband and all its subsequent ilk.

Late 80s early 90s lo-fi was a political resistance movement. Now you've got actual computers making music for other computers. Lou Barlow was Edward Snowden against the US Government.

I also worked in record shops throughout the 90s and filing systems caused no end of problems, until I moved to Japan and realized the Japanese had solved the problem that we could not see in a classic case of wood for trees. Everything in Japanese record styles is filed according to first letter of the first word.

I also worked in record shops throughout the 90s and filing systems caused no end of problems, until I moved to Japan and realized the Japanese had solved the problem that we could not see in a classic case of wood for trees. Everything in Japanese record styles is filed according to first letter of the first word.

Monkey Peeing May Be My Least Favorite Band I Saw Them A Year Ago, And The Singer Sucks Live are just a piss-take acronym band for Mr Penis Mr Balls Mr Licorice Father Bear In Seattle Tonight And Yeah Angus And Theresa Smith Slurp Licorice.

I'm already nostalgic for my neuro-mapped direct wave. This new psycloud shit may connect you straight to the final studio mastering but the clavicle pins hurt like hell and the sinewave processing is bitbit man.

Ric Ocasek's second solo album was on extremely high quality metal tape & was the best quality tape I ever owned.

Or songs that were all mosaically digitized into one inseparable whole. They were the worst.

The idea of 'his soul is still dancing' pre-requisites a humorous rift between anti-destination and the corpse-as-text so that Cage's grinning mug in this scene invalidates the disturbance between the two bodies and positions the viewer as soul-staked in a paradoxical bind between the vision of the breakdancer and the

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